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Re: Sequence count vs. context position
Maybe something like
key('keyNameC"BB, $keyValue)/../*[maybe another predicate such as a name test][1]
On 04.10.2024 09:52, Michael Mueller-Hillebrand michael.mueller-hillebrand@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I am somewhat puzzled by this situation:
key('keyNameC"BB, $keyValue)[1]
From an example in Michael KayC"BBs XSLT 2.0 bible and the description of position(), I learn that this form selects the first item in the sequence of nodes returned by key().
How would I have to write the expression, if I wanted to filter only those nodes, which are at position 1 in their respective document context? I know I can have predicates which consider the context of all returned nodes, looking at ancestors etc. But somehow position() seems to be special.
Thanks a lot,
*Michael MCB<ller-Hillebrand*
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