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Testing for an element NOT present

Subject: Testing for an element NOT present
From: Madhu Menon <madhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 18:12:42 +0530
Testing for an element NOT present

Someone was kind enough last week to explain how to check for the presence of an element.

What I would like to know is how to carry out certain translations ONLY if an element is NOT present in the XML.

For example, suppose I had a tree like:

	<element1>blah blah</element1>
	<element2>yada yada</element2>

I want to perform a certain translation only if <element2> is NOT a part of the data. For example, I would then spit out a message saying "Element 2 details are currently not available".

How would I go about doing this?



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