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XSLTC is an XSLT stylesheet compiler, based on TransforMiix. XSLTC takes as input an XSLT stylesheet, and generates C++ code. The executable that is generated from this code is expected to have the same behaviour as the source stylesheet when run through an XSLT processor, only much faster. Consider XSLTC as just a little bit more than a proof of concept. However, it works, it implements about 95% of the functionalities implemented in TransforMiix, and it's about 70% faster. Optimization is the next step. I might also add that I had started this work before I had ever heard of Sun's "translets", which are Java bytecode-compiled stylesheets. XSLTC is available in C++ source form from http://www3.cybercities.com/x/xsltc/ XSLTC is licensed under the Mozilla Public Licence 1.1 Feedback welcome. Olivier Gerardin <ogerardin@xxxxx> XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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