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Yes, Ben, this is a public forum, so please don't hesitate to post questions that can be looked up in the documentation. I am sure that even if some people are too busy, there are plenty of others who have been through the same stage as you and will not mind helping you or anyone out with any questions that you have. This has always been the spirit of public lists. (as long as you are on topic: if you or anybody asks a C++ compiler options question here, they would be off topic and wasting bandwidth) Good luck with your queries! -----Original Message----- From: Ben C. [mailto:tatsu2000@xxxxxxxxxxx] >People on this list answer questions with remarkable patience. I'm sure >you're not the first to post on this list before looking at the >documentation, your only crime is to admit it. Sorry, but I don't think >that's an efficient use of anyone's time. I understand that but the least that I thought someone could do is point me in the direction of some sort of documentation. All that we have been able to find is the W3C web site and you almost need to know XSLT to understand it. It would have taken just as much time to say OK here is some documentation that is decypherable, go read it and it says a lot more for the person. XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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