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RE: FOP formatting - page break????????

Subject: RE: FOP formatting - page break????????
From: Bovone Stefano <Stefano.Bovone@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 09:59:05 +0200
fop page break
Page breaks are defined into the CSS2 specification. They are implemented
only by Microsoft Explorer. It's difficult to control the output of the
printer because the 'page media' feature is not supported.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alessandro Bottoni [mailto:Alessandro.Bottoni@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: mercoledì 12 luglio 2000 9.51
To: 'xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: FOP formatting - page break????????

Hi all, 

[Arved Sandstrom]
	I think you need to ask the question, "why am I trying to put page
	into HTML?" This is not an HTML concept. If MSIE supports this idea
I guess 
I would question MSIE.

[Alessandro Bottoni]
I'm not sure, but it seems to me that the CSS2 RFC mentioned something like
page breaks, at least for what they called "paged media" (paper and
screenfuls of multimedia programs like Director, I think). Anyway, I do not
know of any program that actually implements this feature.

[Arved Sandstrom]
	Just out of curiosity, how would you expect an HTML browser to
render page 

[Alessandro Bottoni]
Well, I would be happy to see the FO engine (not the browser) making a new
HTML file for every page break encountered in the source XML file. I would
like this way to create a sequence of (concatenated) HTML files from a
single XML file.

[Arved Sandstrom]
	FOP is not tied to PDF. The core processor is renderer-independent.
We are 
	currently capable of rendering output to PDF, HTML, XML, Java AWT,
and Java 

[Alessandro Bottoni]
Very, very good! How about Java Swing and RTF?

Just out of curiosity, once I have got a AWT GUI from a XML file, how can I
connect it to my java program? Does the FOP transformation process supply a
set of callbacks, or something like that, for driving this interface?

Alessandro Bottoni (Alessandro.Bottoni@xxxxxxxxxx)
Web Programmer @ Think3 inc. (www.think3.com)
I do not speak for think3 and they return the favour

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