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At 11:12 PM 7/11/00 -0400, Tony Graham wrote: > >Taking XSLFO off the XSL-List and away from the T'ers seems like a >very poor way to advance the cause. If people don't see that things >are happening with XSLFO, they will just assume that no progress has >been made. A lively discussion of XSLFO on the XSL-List will show >that XSLFO is alive and well, but if you take XSLFO off the XSL-List, >you'll have trouble bringing it back to the attention of the list. > >Furthermore, there is little evidence yet that XSLFO can support a >second mailing list of its own. If you add together the user >questions on this list, the XSLFO posts on the XSL-List, and the >occasional XSLFO post on XML-Dev, you still wouldn't have a very >active list. >From one perspective XSLFO already does support a second mailing list: the fop-dev list at XML Apache. That being said, I support your view that XSLFO ought to be discussed here. fop-dev already entertains a class of posts that have to do with usage, and these are more appropriate (I think) for this forum. I've been personally remiss in not making use of _this_ list, and have rectified that. I think that we (the FOP project) can also use this list as a mechanism for reporting on the current state of the art, as can other implementers. >Maybe XSLFO posts on the XSL-List can standardise on a prefix such as >"[FO]" so they are easier to locate among the XSLT posts. People can >also provide feedback on what they think the XSL-List web page, >etc. should say about XSLFO. Feedback will be read, and will be acted >upon as appropriate. Makes sense. I think the concern has been expressed that FO-related posts will get swallowed up, but OTOH, who knows until you try. :-) >I also think that people on this list such as Sebastian and Dave >Pawson, to name just two, have been useful enough on the XSL-List that >most people would indulge them talking about XSLFO even if the people >don't use XSLFO themselves. > >I'm not trying to keep XSLFO on the XSL-List for the sake of the >XSL-List, but because I think that it's counterproductive to take it >off the XSL-List. > We (FOP types) can start publicizing the XSL List. I guess we can explore how you guys can publicize us. Regards, Arved Sandstrom Senior Developer e-plicity.com (www.e-plicity.com) Halifax, Nova Scotia "B2B Wireless in Canada's Ocean Playground" XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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