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RE: XSLT engine performance

Subject: RE: XSLT engine performance
From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 20:39:53 +0100 (BST)
RE: XSLT engine performance
Heather Lindsay writes:
 > "bizarrely, Xalan produced the results even though it (rightly) said my
 > XML file was not valid against the DTD. Is this to be expected?"
 > Why would you do performance testing with an XML file that is not valid
 > against its DTD?  Wouldn't this affect the results unpredictably?

I had forgotten that my XML file had IDREFs which were not satisfied,
and Xalan was the only processor (by default) to do a parse. I agree,
its silly of me, but in the circumstances it makes no difference.

But still, isnt it surprising that Xalan bothered to do a formal
parse, which produced errors, and then carried on regardless?


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