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Re: XSL as a Programming Language

Subject: Re: XSL as a Programming Language
From: Scott_Boag@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 14:40:06 -0400
xsl computer language
> if people on this group also feel that xslt could replace
> traditional programming languages.

>From my perspective, NO!

XSLT is a declarative transformation language for tooling, optimization,
and relatively simple tree transformation problems.  It is useful when it
is appropriate, but is not, and should not become, a full programming
language.  If you try to look at it as a programming language, or as a full
transformation language for that matter, it will fall short.  If you look
at it for the problems for which it was designed, it is a very powerful,
useful, and appropriate language.

Just my opinion.


                    "Iyer, Srinivasan                                                                                      
                    (MLIP - PCC)"                To:     "'XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         
                    <ISrinivasan@xxxxxxxx        cc:     (bcc: Scott Boag/CAM/Lotus)                                       
                    L.com>                       Subject:     XSL as a Programming Language                                
                    Sent by:                                                                                               
                    07/19/2000 12:48 PM                                                                                    
                    Please respond to                                                                                      

I had read this article
http://www.xml.com/pub/2000/07/12/vbasic/vbdevice.html#replace a couple of
days back and
was wondering if people on this group also feel that xslt could replace
traditional programming languages.
I am kindof at my adolescent stage with xslt and am trying to get a better
understanding of how XSLT fits into the whole picture now and ahead.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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