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efficiency with multiple stylesheets - how?

Subject: efficiency with multiple stylesheets - how?
From: "Stephan" <stephan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 18:19:20 -0500
multiple efficiency
Does anyone have any advice on how to structure a number of 
stylesheets (over a high volume XML app) to efficiently provide 
versions of the same generic interface given following variables:

1. language (EN, FR, DE, etc)
2. browser (e.g. IE5, Navigator, WML, ..)
3. branding (i.e. various stylings)

Our app is capable of doing all the detection and stylesheet 
selection. Each transaction is not particularly large. The question is

1. how best to organise the seperation of stylesheet functionality 
from stylesheet 'content' (i.e. text messages, refs to images), 

2. from the point of view of cacheing and performance, whether it's 
best to have many dedicated stylesheets for each combination, or 
fewer bigger and more intelligent ones..

Many thanks for any opinions
Stephan Fowler

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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