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RE: [ANN] dir to xml command line script

Subject: RE: [ANN] dir to xml command line script
From: "Chris Bayes" <Chris@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 16:12:05 +0100
dir to xml
I created a use for the output of dirTOxml.js which creates an ftp script.
One possible use is to publish a web from the command line with the help of
http://www.bayes.co.uk/xml/index.xml?/xml/utils/translate.xml (at the bottom
of the page)

cscript dirTOxml.js c:\webshare\webroot tmp.xml
cscript translate.js tmp.xml dirtoftp.xslt tmp.fcf remoteroot=/usr/home/web
host=ftp.host.co.uk password=password username=username
ftp -s:tmp.fcf

or if you want to use saxon

cscript dirTOxml.js c:\webshare\webroot tmp.xml
saxon -o tmp.fcf tmp.xml dirtoftp.xslt remoteroot=/usr/home/web
host=ftp.host.co.uk password=password username=username
ftp -s:tmp.fcf

or xt

cscript dirTOxml.js c:\webshare\webroot tmp.xml
xt tmp.xml dirtoftp.xslt tmp.fcf remoteroot=/usr/home/web
host=ftp.host.co.uk password=password username=username
ftp -s:tmp.fcf

Rather nicely it is the fastest way I have found to publish a web. If you
were to use xcopy /d:[date] to a temporary folder you can publish only
changed files.

xcopy /d:christmas c:\webshare\webroot c:\temp\web
cscript dirTOxml.js c:\temp\web tmp.xml
cscript translate.js tmp.xml dirtoftp.xslt tmp.fcf remoteroot=/usr/home/web
host=ftp.host.co.uk password=password username=username
ftp -s:tmp.fcf

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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