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Hi all, I've put up a tool that I have been using for personal work to compare output of different XSLT processors (also used to run MSXML from the command line). Here are some uses (from the doc page): * To allow me to easily run XSLT against various popular processors to make sure my transforms work best on all systems * To allow me to do my work easily through a GUI, and save things that I'm working on to look at later * To check questions sent to the xslt-list and verify if the problem is parser-realated * To allow me to call MSXML from a command-line like other XSLT processors * Sometimes Saxon has better error messages than Xalan, sometimes Xalan has better -- When debugging, it is nice to be able to look at error output from multiple processors The tool is up at http://www.netcrucible.com/xslt/xslt-tool.htm I also am aware that it gets frustrating to answer questions about MSXML all the time, so I put up a page at http://www.netcrucible.com/xslt/msxml-faq.htm. The page is really just meant to be a guide for people with MSXML about approaching xslt-list; how to troubleshoot, what problems are common, etc. before coming to the list with questions. I'm quite happy to modify it if anyone has suggestions.. Replying with this URL could be an easy way to answer people who come to the list asking questions because they are stuck in IE5 XSL Working-draft hell. Any comments, etc. are appreciated. Thanks! Joshua XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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