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SSDN AdminSubject: Getting EDI to XML and Back Again: Round Trip Data Conversion with Stylus Studio Adapters
Author: SSDN Admin
Date: 31 Aug 2005 03:39 PM
A new online video demonstration covers Stylus Studio URL adapters and how they can be used to create two-way data conversion applications for getting any data kind of data, for example, EDI into XML, then how to propagate changes made to the XML back to the original EDI source file. Specifically, the following topics are covered in detail:

* How to use Stylus Studio's Adapter URL technologies to convert EDI to XML and back again.
* Converting an EDI data model to XML Schema with the EDIFACT to XML Schema wizard.
* Overview of the built-in XML Converters for working with hundreds of different EDI formats.
* Customizing the way EDI segments are converted to XML in Stylus Studio.
* Converting the EDI 96A Message Type to an XML document.
Using the Stylus Studio XSLT Mapper to get the converted XML into a more formal XML standard.
* Using the EDIFACT to XML Schema wizard to generate an XML Schema based on the EDI 96A Message Schema.
* Configuring the EDIFACT to XML Schema Wizard.
* Browsing a converted EDIFACT data model in the XML Schema Editor.
* Validating a converted EDI document against an XML Schema.
* Using Stylus Studio's adapter URL to write back changes made to the XML into its original EDI format (round-trip conversion).
* Customizing the display options in the XSLT mapper.

Watch the new video online today at: http://www.stylusstudio.com/videos/convert-to-xml3/convert-to-xml3.html

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