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Craig BermanSubject: XSLT and MS Access 2007 Optional Tags
Author: Craig Berman
Date: 31 Dec 2008 01:25 PM
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, or missing a keyword someplace, but here goes. I have something that normally looks like this:

The XSL I have works fine, and handles the multiple notes in MYNOTES just fine too (i'm actually please with stylus for getting a novice like me through that). Now, every once in a while I get a XML record with NO MYNOTES at all. How do I change the XSL to declare that this may happen sometime. I presume there is something in the for-each select statement, but right now access gets "annoyed" at not having anything.

If I haven't given you enough information, i apologize, the actual piece of data is pretty big, as is the xsl. If needed, though, I can get it.
Many thanks.

(Deleted User) Subject: XSLT and MS Access 2007 Optional Tags
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 05 Jan 2009 08:40 AM
Hi Craig,
could you post at least the snippet of XSL that does the xsl:for-each? From your description it's not clear what is generated inside the for-each.


Craig BermanSubject: XSLT and MS Access 2007 Optional Tags
Author: Craig Berman
Date: 05 Jan 2009 08:51 AM
Okay, here goes:

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="a:BatchFeed/a:TradeFeed/a:Common/a:ShortNotes/a:ShortNote">
<xsl:value-of select="a:Index"/>
<xsl:value-of select="a:Text"/>
<xsl:value-of select="../../a:TransactionNumber"/>
<xsl:value-of select="../../a:AsOfTradeDate"/>
<xsl:value-of select="../../a:TransactionType"/>

In access this creates a table called Trade_ShortNotes, which contains the fields above. The entire XSLT creates a bunch of tables. The problem occurs when I load a pile of XML, but none of the records contains the tag <ShortNotes>... if *any* record in a batch contains the shortnote tage then I'm fine, if NONE do, then it seems to want to create a blank root name table ie: TradeTable, and put nothing in it. This may be an access quirk, and I'll admit, this is a rarity based upon the data - but if there is a way to specify to XSL - "Hey, here's how to deal with this tag, but you might not see it at all", I'd like to do that.

Craig BermanSubject: XSLT and MS Access 2007 Optional Tags
Author: Craig Berman
Date: 05 Jan 2009 08:55 AM
Here's some sample data, just in case:
<Text>AE= </Text>
<Text>D#0015 </Text>

(Deleted User) Subject: XSLT and MS Access 2007 Optional Tags
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 05 Jan 2009 11:58 AM
Hi Craig,
you can try a block like this

<xsl:when test="not(a:BatchFeed/a:TradeFeed/a:Common/a:ShortNotes/a:ShortNote)">
<xsl:for-each select="a:BatchFeed/a:TradeFeed/a:Common/a:ShortNotes/a:ShortNote">

I don't know what you need to put in the empty fields to force Access to still generate the correct column types, but at least it should get you started.

Hope this helps,

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