Subject:ConvertFromXML to TXT Author:Hans Sprungfeld Date:21 Dec 2007 03:04 AM
Hi there,
I made a *.conv file to generates beautiful XML from my custom text file format. This works fine.
Now, I'm looking for the other way round. XML back to text. I saw that there is something with ConvertFromXML is available in SS but how does it work? I'm not able to find a way to create a "Convert From XML" File.
Subject:ConvertFromXML to TXT Author:Jeff Darling Date:20 Mar 2008 11:36 PM Originally Posted: 20 Mar 2008 11:34 PM
I know this thread is old, but I need some practice and thought I would contribute. I was looking around in the forums and found some XSLT that would convert a CSV to fixed field and I thought it could easily convert XML too.
Here is the link to the forum post with the code that I borrowed.