Subject:No Topic Author:Ken Nguyen Date:23 May 2001 08:16 PM
I'm working on a project dealing with objectStore databases. The problem is I only get the database, a list of class names (class name of object store in the database) and nothing more. What I have to do is to extract the triple type/name/value of all fields of each object. I'm trying to use the ClassInfo such as in:
"ClassInfo infor = ClassInfo.get(className);"
and I get a "COM.odi.ClassNotRegisteredException"
As said in the User guide that I can use ObjectStore.fetch() to fetch an object into java enviroment and use java.reflect to extract the field, but it won't work
I try doing this:
where obj is an object I extract from the database, I get the exception follow:
"COM.odi.FatalInternalException: No DMA active type exists for the family specified."