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0 new messagesNo Topic0115224Beth Beggs
12/04/08 01:45pm
12/08/08 03:00pm
0 new messagesparsing xml using xslt HELP0116039amai tolentino
12/03/08 11:09pm
12/08/08 02:57pm
0 new messagesMultiple Page Headers0115036kishore koti
12/03/08 07:01am
12/08/08 02:57pm
0 new messagesPLM Xml To Generic XML0224872varun bhatia
12/03/08 05:08am
12/16/08 12:35pm
0 new messagesXSLT/XPath Help0118501Bruno Domenici
12/02/08 11:17am
12/08/08 02:52pm
0 new messagesXSL Space Issue0114679Jeff Vreeland
11/24/08 04:31pm
11/25/08 12:15pm
0 new messageswanting help with xslt custom function & finding max yr of passed array of dates0215134todd jackson
11/21/08 12:30am
11/30/08 11:29pm
0 new messagesUpdate input xml content with matching elements from another xml using xsl0015119yasser arafat
11/20/08 06:53pm
11/20/08 06:53pm
0 new messagesError: namespace prefix xsl on text is not defined in Entity, line:10222778Ken Stringer
11/20/08 11:33am
11/20/08 05:31pm
0 new messagesError in my xsl:if test...0115379Mych Dubil
11/20/08 09:18am
11/20/08 03:09pm
0 new messagescalling javascript from XSLT0015781smaranika sikdar
11/18/08 04:31am
11/18/08 04:31am
0 new messagesError when trying to a call a template from an imported XSL0115111princy Mathew
11/17/08 09:18am
11/18/08 09:34am
0 new messagesHTTP POST from XSLT0015994smaranika sikdar
11/16/08 09:58am
11/16/08 09:57am
0 new messagespassing xml document as input parameter to web service0117400smaranika sikdar
11/14/08 09:58am
12/02/08 06:05am
0 new messagesXSLT for WORDML table to CALS table and llist0118550(Deleted User)
11/14/08 06:56am
12/02/08 05:45am
0 new messagesFlatten an XML source0116276Lawrence Harris
11/12/08 10:39am
11/12/08 12:06pm
0 new messagesProblem in navigating tree0115016kk kk2ka4
11/11/08 10:46pm
11/13/08 08:28am
0 new messagespreserve line breaks in xml attribute0322153dan liu
11/11/08 01:43pm
11/12/08 08:22am
0 new messagesXSLT to PDF0115106Johan Sandell
11/11/08 11:11am
12/02/08 05:37am
0 new messagesReplace a nodeset with another similar nodeset0215825Martin Wild
11/10/08 09:57am
11/12/08 04:12am
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