Subject:XSLT to PDF Author:Johan Sandell Date:11 Nov 2008 11:11 AM
I'm new to Stylus Studio so I might ask something obvious here.
First question:
I have an xml file that I wan't to convert to a pdf with an existing xslt. Do I have to go through an XSL-FO or can I do the conversion directly. I have tried constructing a xml-pipeline but failed.
The second question is if I can run a pipeline file in the command line/DOSprompt to create an pdf file and which file should I run if it is possible?
Subject:XSLT to PDF Author:(Deleted User) Date:02 Dec 2008 05:37 AM
Hi Johan,
there are several ways to generate PDF, and they depend on what you have as input. In your case, what is being generated by the existing XSLT?
As for XML Pipeline, you can ask Stylus to generate a Java program that implements the pipeline, compile it and then execute from the command line.