Options - Module Settings - XSLT Editor - XSLT Settings

You use the XSLT Settings page of the Options dialog box to specify general preferences for working with XSLT scenarios, and settings that pertain to the built-in XSLT processor.

To display the XSLT Settings page of the Options dialog box, select Tools > Options from the Stylus Studio menu, then select Module Settings >XSLT Editor > XSLT Settings.



Show Scenario Dialog When On New Document

Check this box if you want Stylus Studio to automatically display the Scenarios Properties dialog box when you create a new XSLT document.

Save Scenario Meta-Information In The Stylesheet

If you do not save metainformation in the stylesheet, Stylus Studio saves it in the .prj file for the project the scenario belongs to. If a stylesheet does not belong to a project and you do not save metainformation in the stylesheet, the information is not saved.

If this is a mapping stylesheet, and you set this option, Stylus Studio also saves mapping metainformation in the stylesheet. If this option is not set, and the mapping stylesheet belongs to a project, Stylus Studio saves the mapping metainformation in the project. If this option is not set, and if the mapping stylesheet does not belong to a project, Stylus Studio does not save mapping metainformation.

Saving metainformation in a stylesheet is useful because it frees you from having to re-enter information when you open the stylesheet. However, you might not want a block of metainformation in your stylesheet, or you might not want to expose path information in your stylesheet.

Built-in Processor

Enable Infinite Loop Detection

When this box is checked, Stylus Studio displays a message when it encounters an infinite loop. Stylus Studio prompts you to indicate whether or not you want processing to continue.

It is possible for Stylus Studio to detect an infinite loop that is not really an infinite loop. In these uncommon situations, you might want to turn off infinite loop detection to avoid the bogus error message.

Maximum Recursion Level

Slide the marker toward the low or high end as needed.

The maximum recursion level is how much Stylus Studio allows you to recurse on a template invocation. In other words, it determines how many entries for the same template are allowed in the stack trace before Stylus Studio determines that processing should be aborted.

Recursion requires memory. If you set a high level of recursion, Stylus Studio potentially requires a lot of memory when processing deep recursions. If you know that you have safe deep recursion levels in your stylesheet, you want to set this option toward the high end. If you know that you do not have deep recursion levels, and you do not want to risk running out of memory, you want to set this option toward the low end.

Allocated Stack Size

Memory allocated to the XSLT processing thread stack. If you have a recursive stylesheet or your stylesheet executes a large number of XPath queries, you might get an error. Increasing the stack size can fix this problem. You do not want to set the stack size to a high number by default because it would use too much memory unnecessarily.

For More Information

Specifying Stylus Studio Options

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