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Steen NielsenSubject: Feature request (bugfix?): remove code-suggest box, when scrolling (maybe as option?)
Author: Steen Nielsen
Date: 15 Dec 2010 09:08 AM
I have noticed that when you are writing a piece of code, where the code-suggest/intellisense box appears and you start scrolling, either vertically or horisontally, the code-suggest box sticks to that exact position on the monitor, no matter where you scroll.
Most other applications stop showing the code-suggest box, which I believe would be the best thing here as well.

Furthermore, I have noticed, that if you trigger the code-suggest box when the text-cursor (caret?) is out of view, the code-suggest box will still be shown right where that line of text is, but this could be outside Stylus Studio itself.

I could force this to happen when scrolling a few lines down from where the text-cursor is positioned, so that it is just out of sight, then press CTRL + SPACE.
I would recommend that the code-suggest box would be bound to the actual editor window, so that it could never move outside the editor view.

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