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Mary VallesSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Mary Valles
Date: 04 Aug 2011 01:22 PM
I am new to Stylus and XML and really need help.

I have a project that contains a XQuery (mapped to SQL Server data) and an XSD file.

I have attached the following sample files:
Test - current.xml
Test - Desired.xml

I need to have each attribute value in a seperate XML record versus all together.




Ivan PedruzziSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Aug 2011 02:20 PM
Hi Mary,

My guess is that the query does not iterate through the repeating element.
We need to see the XQuery code in order to help.


Mary VallesSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Mary Valles
Date: 04 Aug 2011 02:51 PM
Can I e-mail the code and files to you?

Mary VallesSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Mary Valles
Date: 04 Aug 2011 02:57 PM
I have attached the actual XQuery and XSD files. If you need to see the XML output please let me know.



Ivan PedruzziSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Aug 2011 03:40 PM

I can see several problems

What you are trying to accomplish with the following? Do you need to generate a Transactional or a DTOApplication element for each record in the XML_Application?

for $_x0058_ML_Application in collection("MSRB_Test_be.dbo.XML_Application")/_x0058_ML_Application/AppModID
for $_x0058_ML_Application2 in collection("MSRB_Test_be.dbo.XML_Application")/_x0058_ML_Application/ApplicationNumber

In regards of the duplicate attribute values, see the following changes

for $_x0058_ML_Application2 in collection("MSRB_Test_be.dbo.XML_Application")/_x0058_ML_Application
ApplicationNumber="{ $_x0058_ML_Application2/ApplicationNumber}"

... and several others

Every time you see a call to the collection function inside an attribute value you should be suspicious.

The following where statement also sounds suspicious, it should express a relationship between the tables XML_Building and XML_Line

for $_x0058_ML_Building in collection("MSRB_Test_be.dbo.XML_Building")/_x0058_ML_Building
where collection("MSRB_Test_be.dbo.XML_Line")/_x0058_ML_Line

Hope this helps

Mary VallesSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Mary Valles
Date: 04 Aug 2011 04:02 PM
Yes, the objective is a single Transactional element for each record returned in XML_Application.

Thanks so much for you help. I will look at the items you pointed out snd see how far I get.

I may be back asking for more help! :)

Mary VallesSubject: Attribute - XSD, DataDirect, XQuery and XML output
Author: Mary Valles
Date: 04 Aug 2011 06:43 PM
Thanks so much Ivan...you saved my life!!!

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