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Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 10 Sep 2007 03:30 PM
Debuging is disabled if processor is set to Saxon If I change processor to built-in then debugging is enabled.

Any idea how to get debugging working with Saxon?

Tony LavinioSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 10 Sep 2007 03:43 PM
What do you mean by debugging is disabled?
Debugging is certainly supported for Saxon 8.9.

However, because Saxon optimizes certain steps
away, you might be setting a breakpoint on a line
that isn't an executable line, in which case
Saxon never actually steps through that line.

Can you give an specific example of where it isn't
doing what you expect?

Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 10 Sep 2007 04:50 PM
If I open examples.prj then open SVG/chart.xsl, set several breakpoints and set the processor to built-in. Hit f5 and it will stop at my breakpoint. Then I change the processor to Saxon hit f5 and it will process the page but will not stop at the any of the breakpoints.

I tried setting a breakpoint on every line in chart.xsl and still the Saxon processor it will not stop at any breakpoint.

It's acting as if debugging is disabled when I set the processor to Saxon.

>What do you mean by debugging
>is disabled?
>Debugging is certainly
>supported for Saxon 8.9.
>However, because Saxon
>optimizes certain steps
>away, you might be setting a
>breakpoint on a line
>that isn't an executable line,
>in which case
>Saxon never actually steps
>through that line.
>Can you give an specific
>example of where it isn't
>doing what you expect?

Tony LavinioSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 10 Sep 2007 05:32 PM
If you do Help->About, what release are you running?

894m is the current release, and several Saxon-related
issues were fixed there. If you haven't updated, try
that first. Then if there is still a problem we'll see
if it is something in your environment.

Also, which version of Java are you running? That is
also shown on the Help->About window.

Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 10 Sep 2007 08:16 PM
Thanks for your quick reply.

Update tells me that I'm running the latest version.

Here's the version from the help/about:
Framework version: Build 894m
Java Virtual Machine: 1.6.0_02-b06 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Sun Microsystems Inc.
debug mode port:8000

>If you do Help->About, what
>release are you running?
>894m is the current release,
>and several Saxon-related
>issues were fixed there. If
>you haven't updated, try
>that first. Then if there is
>still a problem we'll see
>if it is something in your
>Also, which version of Java
>are you running? That is
>also shown on the
>Help->About window.

Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 11 Sep 2007 01:52 PM
Another thing that might be relevent is that I had previosly installed Stylus Studio home edition but uninstalled it and then installed the Enterprise version.

Could the home versiom have left some lingering reg key's that cause the Saxon debugger to not function?

>If you do Help->About, what
>release are you running?
>894m is the current release,
>and several Saxon-related
>issues were fixed there. If
>you haven't updated, try
>that first. Then if there is
>still a problem we'll see
>if it is something in your
>Also, which version of Java
>are you running? That is
>also shown on the
>Help->About window.

(Deleted User) Subject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 12 Sep 2007 04:09 AM
Hi Brian,
by chance, is your XSL placed in a directory with a name longer than 8.3 characters?


Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 12 Sep 2007 12:00 PM
Hi Alberto,
It was in a folder with a name longer then 8.3 and I was having all sorts of trouble with xsl:import saying it can't find the document. So I moved everything to C:\Xsldev\. When I dblclick on a file from the project menu it will often popup a message box saying can't find the file. But when clicking ok the file does open.

>Hi Brian,
>by chance, is your XSL placed
>in a directory with a name
>longer than 8.3 characters?

(Deleted User) Subject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 12 Sep 2007 02:27 PM
Hi Brian,
as you are using xsl:import, have moved ALL the needed files (XSL, imported XSL, XML) into the new 8.3 folder?


Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 12 Sep 2007 02:36 PM
Hi Alberto,
Yes all needed files are now in C:\Xsldev. I discovered that the missing file's were caused by the "Source XML URL" in the included file being still set to the old path. That's fixed now.

The orignal issue still exists in that I can't debug when Saxon is the processor.

>Hi Brian,
>as you are using xsl:import,
>have moved ALL the needed
>files (XSL, imported XSL, XML)
>into the new 8.3 folder?

(Deleted User) Subject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 13 Sep 2007 03:38 AM
Hi Brian,
can you try setting the registry key "XSLT Editor: PrintDebugMessages" to 1 in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stylus Studio\2007 XML Enterprise Suite Release 2\Plugin Settings" branch and tell us what is printed in the output window?


Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 13 Sep 2007 12:34 PM
Hi Alberto,
Here is the output from chart.xsl in the examples with several break points set it processes but doesn't stop at any break points:

^^^ [6] null match="sales"
Checking BP on line 6
^^^ [10] svg
Checking BP on line 10
^^^ [10] name="width"
Checking BP on line 10
^^^ [10] name="height"
Checking BP on line 10
^^^ [10] name="viewBox"
Checking BP on line 10
^^^ [13] g
Checking BP on line 13
^^^ [13] name="transform"
Checking BP on line 13
^^^ [16] text
Checking BP on line 16
^^^ [16] name="style"
Checking BP on line 16
^^^ [16] name="x"
Checking BP on line 16
^^^ [16] name="y"
Checking BP on line 16
^^^ [17] null select="caption/heading"
Checking BP on line 17
Checking BP on line 17
^^^ [18] null
Checking BP on line 18
^^^ [22] g
Checking BP on line 22
^^^ [22] name="style"
Checking BP on line 22
^^^ [23] path
Checking BP on line 23
^^^ [23] name="d"
Checking BP on line 23
^^^ [27] g
Checking BP on line 27
^^^ [27] name="style"
Checking BP on line 27
^^^ [28] text
Checking BP on line 28
^^^ [28] name="x"
Checking BP on line 28
^^^ [28] name="y"
Checking BP on line 28
Checking BP on line 28
^^^ [29] text
Checking BP on line 29
^^^ [29] name="x"
Checking BP on line 29
^^^ [29] name="y"
Checking BP on line 29
Checking BP on line 29
^^^ [30] text
Checking BP on line 30
^^^ [30] name="x"
Checking BP on line 30
^^^ [30] name="y"
Checking BP on line 30
Checking BP on line 30
^^^ [31] text
Checking BP on line 31
^^^ [31] name="x"
Checking BP on line 31
^^^ [31] name="y"
Checking BP on line 31
Checking BP on line 31
^^^ [32] text
Checking BP on line 32
^^^ [32] name="x"
Checking BP on line 32
^^^ [32] name="y"
Checking BP on line 32
Checking BP on line 32
^^^ [33] text
Checking BP on line 33
^^^ [33] name="x"
Checking BP on line 33
^^^ [33] name="y"
Checking BP on line 33
Checking BP on line 33
^^^ [34] text
Checking BP on line 34
^^^ [34] name="x"
Checking BP on line 34
^^^ [34] name="y"
Checking BP on line 34
Checking BP on line 34
^^^ [35] text
Checking BP on line 35
^^^ [35] name="x"
Checking BP on line 35
^^^ [35] name="y"
Checking BP on line 35
Checking BP on line 35
^^^ [36] text
Checking BP on line 36
^^^ [36] name="x"
Checking BP on line 36
^^^ [36] name="y"
Checking BP on line 36
Checking BP on line 36
^^^ [37] text
Checking BP on line 37
^^^ [37] name="x"
Checking BP on line 37
^^^ [37] name="y"
Checking BP on line 37
Checking BP on line 37
^^^ [41] null select="region"
Checking BP on line 41
^^^ [44] position()
Checking BP on line 44
^^^ [54] position()
Checking BP on line 54
^^^ [58] sum()
Checking BP on line 58
^^^ [62] path
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [62] name="style"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [46] null
Checking BP on line 46
^^^ [48] null
Checking BP on line 48
^^^ [62] name="d"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [65] text
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="style"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="x"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="y"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [66] null select="@name"
Checking BP on line 66
Checking BP on line 66
^^^ [44] position()
Checking BP on line 44
^^^ [54] position()
Checking BP on line 54
^^^ [58] sum()
Checking BP on line 58
^^^ [62] path
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [62] name="style"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [46] null
Checking BP on line 46
^^^ [49] null
Checking BP on line 49
^^^ [62] name="d"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [65] text
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="style"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="x"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="y"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [66] null select="@name"
Checking BP on line 66
Checking BP on line 66
^^^ [44] position()
Checking BP on line 44
^^^ [54] position()
Checking BP on line 54
^^^ [58] sum()
Checking BP on line 58
^^^ [62] path
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [62] name="style"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [46] null
Checking BP on line 46
^^^ [50] null
Checking BP on line 50
^^^ [62] name="d"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [65] text
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="style"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="x"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="y"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [66] null select="@name"
Checking BP on line 66
Checking BP on line 66
^^^ [44] position()
Checking BP on line 44
^^^ [54] position()
Checking BP on line 54
^^^ [58] sum()
Checking BP on line 58
^^^ [62] path
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [62] name="style"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [46] null
Checking BP on line 46
^^^ [51] null
Checking BP on line 51
^^^ [62] name="d"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [65] text
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="style"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="x"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="y"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [66] null select="@name"
Checking BP on line 66
Checking BP on line 66
^^^ [44] position()
Checking BP on line 44
^^^ [54] position()
Checking BP on line 54
^^^ [58] sum()
Checking BP on line 58
^^^ [62] path
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [62] name="style"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [46] null
Checking BP on line 46
^^^ [47] null
Checking BP on line 47
^^^ [62] name="d"
Checking BP on line 62
^^^ [65] text
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="style"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="x"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [65] name="y"
Checking BP on line 65
^^^ [66] null select="@name"
Checking BP on line 66
Checking BP on line 66

>Hi Brian,
>can you try setting the
>registry key "XSLT Editor:
>PrintDebugMessages" to 1 in
>ylus Studio\2007 XML
>Enterprise Suite Release
>2\Plugin Settings" branch and
>tell us what is printed in the
>output window?

(Deleted User) Subject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 14 Sep 2007 03:50 AM
Hi Brian,
does the processing breaks if you click on the "pause" button after starting debugging with F5?


Brian StuartSubject: Can't debug xsl examples with Saxon only with built-in
Author: Brian Stuart
Date: 14 Sep 2007 01:02 PM
Hi Alberto,
Pressing F5 will cause it to process but not hit any break points. Here's where it get strange, when I press F5 six times the pause and stop buttons remain disabled, but on the 7th press both the pause and stop will enable. This pattern repeats every 7 presses of F5.

It's difficult to tell but it seem that clicking the pause button when it does briefly become enabled has no effect.

>Hi Brian,
>does the processing breaks if
>you click on the "pause"
>button after starting
>debugging with F5?

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