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Brian FohlSubject: EDI to XML - any way to relax strict validation of version?
Author: Brian Fohl
Date: 03 Oct 2006 11:04 AM

We receive EDI which is sometimes outside of the X12 standards - meaning wrong. Many times "4010 " will be sent in the ISA12 instead of the correct "00401" value. Is there any way to allow the Java conversion API to handle this? We don't want to disable validation completely by using "val=no" because then we would lose nested loops.

Thank you,

Tony LavinioSubject: EDI to XML - any way to relax strict validation of version?
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 03 Oct 2006 11:08 AM
The problem is that we need the version identification to be
accurate in order to switch to the appropriate dictionary version.

However, perhaps there could be a relaxing.

What if, when we see the version isn't in the proper format, we
applied the following rules:

1. Ensure there are exactly two leading zeros
2. Trim the results to five digits

Would this solve your problem?

Before we consider doing this, are there other cases of sloppiness
you see in the incoming files? You can communicate directly, and
even send some sample files, by sending email to stylus-field-report
(at) progress.com.

Brian FohlSubject: EDI to XML - any way to relax strict validation of version?
Author: Brian Fohl
Date: 03 Oct 2006 11:15 AM
The specific situation that I am seeing a lot of is "4010 " (4010 followed by a space) in the ISA12 element. If you could make changes to the converter to allow for that, and possibly other variations in the ISA12 (variations that could still be narrowed down to the specific version) that would be great. Or offer some way to allow that customization in the adapter URL. We receive a lot of nonstandard EDI, so allowing for variations would be a must for us.


Tony LavinioSubject: EDI to XML - any way to relax strict validation of version?
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 06 Oct 2006 09:17 AM
This specific change will be in an upcoming version of Stylus Studio.

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