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Jeevan SunkersettSubject: ERROR creating JAXB Java Binding classes ...
Author: Jeevan Sunkersett
Date: 17 Oct 2005 07:38 AM

In my stylus project I imported my XSD schemas (around 30 XSD files). They are pretty complex with inter-refercing in-between using xsd:include/ xsd:import.

I opened one of them and could succesfully generate its JAXB java binding classes. Then I opened the next one (not in any particular order) and tried to generate the binding classes (specified the same output directory and same package and same main class name)

After some time - it gave an error:

c:\Windows\temp\bnf16.tmp\<<my-package>>\Main.java contains an invalid path.

No java code was generated.
I tried specifying a new o/p directory with another package name.
Even tried cleaning up the gen directory and restarting the machine
but to no avail.

Any clues?
Is any log generated? Where?


PS: I am using Enterprise Ed ver 3.0, Build 377o with JVM 1.5

(Deleted User) Subject: ERROR creating JAXB Java Binding classes ...
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 17 Oct 2005 09:34 AM
Most likely you are getting this message becsuse jaxb failed to create output. Have you tried to validate your schema before running jaxb ? This can give you an idea why jaxb is failing. The right place to look for error messages is an output window, unfortunately in this case it is empty. This will be fixed in our next update.

Jeevan SunkersettSubject: ERROR creating JAXB Java Binding classes ...
Author: Jeevan Sunkersett
Date: 17 Oct 2005 11:47 PM
I am using the industry standard FpML schema (http://www.fpml.org)
So they should be correct/ valid.

They pass the Altova XML Spy validity.


(Deleted User) Subject: ERROR creating JAXB Java Binding classes ...
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 18 Oct 2005 12:30 PM
The file that you've opened can use definitions imported/included in it's parent file. In such case even if overall schema is valid the file that you've opened is not (it probably was designed to be imported/included after some specific file and can not be used as standalone). I recommend you to click "Validate" button in the toolbar before running JAXB. It will take almost no time but can provide you with useful information.

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