Subject:Opening XML file from Command Line Author:Jessica Smith Date:13 May 2005 09:11 AM
Hi -
I am trying to use Struzzo to open an existing XML file from the Command Line. I saw the documentation that the format is "Struzzo.exe filename" and I've tried this. It successfully opens Stylus Studio, but I get an error 'Unsupported URL scheme "build.xml"' (or whatever file I'm trying to open), and the file does not open. Once Stylus is open I can go to File->Open, browse to the file and open it successfully. What am I doing wrong? Below is the actual command I am using (I am running it from the location of the XML file).
>"C:\Program Files\Stylus Studio XML Professional
Edition\bin\Struzzo.exe" build.xml
I currently have an evaluation version of Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition release 2.