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Re: XSLT is a pattern-action language. So is AWK. What

Subject: Re: XSLT is a pattern-action language. So is AWK. What others?
From: "G. Ken Holman g.ken.holman@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 12:44:47 -0000
Re:  XSLT is a pattern-action language. So is AWK. What
What I hated about SNOBOL (in 1979? 1978?) was that there was no such thing as a syntax error. Everything you expressed meant *something*. I couldn't wait until the next Wednesday when we moved on to yet another programming language in the course overviewing programming languages.


At 11/12/2024 12:13 +0000, Michael Kay michaelkay90@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
First one I came across, back in the early 70s, was SNOBOL - but I never used it in anger.

There was a system that was popular in the 70s in the UK called FILETAB - the basic idea being "decision tables", where you write a spreadsheet with conditions on one axis and actions on the other. I discovered a few years ago that there was a company with a large share of the market for doing comparative auto insurance quotes in the UK whose core engine was all written as an enormous set of FILETAB rules. They were running it on an emulated PDP-11 because that's what it originally ran on in the days when the customers were insurance brokers rather than the online public, and they couldn't find any other technology to replace it that would deliver the required throughput. (I got involved because they were -- and probably still are -- using XSLT extensively for data conversions to get the data feeds from the insurance companies into their core engine).

Michael Kay

> On 11 Dec 2024, at 10:58, Roger L Costello costello@xxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I love programming languages that offer this style of programming: "if the input matches this pattern, then do that action." That is, I love pattern-action languages.
> XSLT is a pattern-action language. So is AWK.
> What other languages are pattern-action?
> /Roger

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