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Re: Seek your recommendation on how to report differen

Subject: Re: Seek your recommendation on how to report differences in two <row> element sequences
From: "Michael Kay mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 18:35:56 -0000
Re:  Seek your recommendation on how to report differen
> > Question: how do you recommend reporting differences between two <row>
element sequences?

Depends on how smart you want to be and on what kind of differences you want
to handle. If you want to do it really well, take a look at what a product
like DeltaXML does, and then try to be better. But they have spent many
person-years perfecting their algorithms: this task isn't easy.

For example, detecting that two adjacent rows in the input have been
interchanged in the output is reasonably straightforward if you think it's
worth it. Detecting that two non-adjacent rows have been interchanged is a bit
more challeging, but still entirely feasible. Only you can decide where you
start to get diminishing returns on your effort.

Michael Kay

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