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Re: Move Text

Subject: Re: Move Text
From: "Martin Honnen martin.honnen@xxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 07:13:57 -0000
Re:  Move Text
On 09/04/2024 06:23, Byomokesh Sahoo sahoo.byomokesh@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

I am trying to move text to paragraph based on SUP value matching.
Please find the below xml, output xml and xsl.

B  B  <div id="FNid000">
B  B  <p margin-left="123.25pt">8.3. In
B  B  B  B  <a name="_ftnref1"/>
B  B  B  B  <a href="#_ftn1"><sup>[1]</sup></a>, this analysed different<a
href="#_ftn2"><sup>[2]</sup></a> mean</p>
B  B  </div>
B  B  <div id="FNid001">
B  B  B  B  <p class="FootnoteText"
B  B  B  B  B  B  margin-left="94.95pt">
B  B  B  B  B  B  <sup>[1]</sup> 2001 9 SCC</p>
B  B  </div>
B  B  <div id="FNid002">
B  B  B  B  <p class="FootnoteText"
B  B  B  B  B  B  margin-left="94.95pt">
B  B  B  B  B  B  <sup>[2]</sup><b>2011 3 SCC 626</b>
B  B  B  B  </p>
B  B  </div>


Expected Output
B  B  <div id="FNid000">
B  B  <p margin-left="123.25pt">8.3. In
B  B  B  B  <p class="FootnoteText"
B  B  B  B  B  B  margin-left="94.95pt">
B  B  B  B  B  B  <sup>[1]</sup> 2001 9 SCC</p>, this analysed different<p
B  B  B  B  B  B  margin-left="94.95pt">
B  B  B  B  B  B  <sup>[2]</sup><b>2011 3 SCC 626</b>
B  B  B  B  </p> mean</p>
B  B  </div>

I think it might work to use a key e.g.

B <xsl:key name="ft" match="div/p[@class = 'FootnoteText']" use="sup"/>

B  <xsl:template match="a[matches(@href, '#_ftn[0-9]+') and sup]">
B B B  <xsl:copy-of select="key('ft', sup)"/>
B  </xsl:template>

B <xsl:template match="div[p[@class = 'FootnoteText']]"/>

B <xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>

That would replace the <a href="#_ftnX"><sup>[X]</sup></a> elements with
the referenced p class="FootnotText".

I haven't been able to figure from the simple example sample why there
is also a <a name="_ftnref1"/> for the first footnote reference but not
for the second. Perhaps add an empty <xsl:template
match="a[matches(@name, '_ftnref[0-9]+')]"/>.

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