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The XML representation of JSON that XSLT 3 and XPath 3.1 define and share puts those elements into that namespace, like most XML vocabularies use a namespace. -- Gesendet mit der GMX Mail App Am 10.12.24, 09:22 schrieb "Andre Cusson akhu01@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: Hi, I am a little puzzled as I convert some json to xml, the json-to-xml function seems to put the resulting xml in the http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions namespace, as specified on its root element.This root element has local-name() "map". xslt maps are functions, but this is an element not an xslt map.Why is this in a namespace?What am I missing Thank you.Regards.ac XSL-List info and archiveEasyUnsubscribe (by email) XSL-List info and archiveEasyUnsubscribe (by email)
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