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Re: Source code formatting

Subject: Re: Source code formatting
From: "Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex gerrit.imsieke@xxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 13:09:01 -0000
Re:  Source code formatting
Same problem here, George. Your message was ostensibly sent from the ominous "Wendell Piez"!

On 31.07.2020 15:02, Piez, Wendell A. (Fed) wendell.piez@xxxxxxxx wrote:
John and XSL-List,

I don't know whether to be charmed or horrified.

So who else gets all their XSL-List messages from me? (You don't have to answer if you really don't think it's on topic.)

Regards, Wendell

-----Original Message-----

From: John Lumley john@xxxxxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 1:45 AM

To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Re: Source code formatting

I have exactly the same problem with xsl-list read on my iPad... all the messages now appear from Wendell Piez, so unless there is identification of originator in the message body, I have no firm idea of who is the sender.... Unless, as in this case, I compose a reply.

Ok on Thunderbird on my Windows machine.

Sent from my iPad

On 28 Jul 2020, at 23:02, Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex gerrit.imsieke@xxxxxxxxx <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

o;?Interesting, Geert, how your email client apparently regenerated the header of the original message instead of just quoting it literally. Your email client seems to hold a database of senders by email address. When regenerating the headers, it won't use the real name under which the message was sent, but instead it will use the stored sender name associated with that address, which happens to be "Abel Braaksma, (Exselt) abel@xxxxxxxxxx" for <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>. Abel might have been the first to post to the list after you set up your email client, therefore it stored Abel's name.

In addition to that flaw, the email client didnbt quote the original message. But maybe this can be switched on by an option.

Sorry, probably a bit off-topic...


On 28.07.2020 23:44, Geert Bormans geert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi Willem,

Not sure if this would work with the particular VCS you are using,

but have you considered not to use a formatter when adding the XSLT

to the VCS, but tune the actual dif (ignoring whitespace in

attributes as an example) Delta XML have done some work in that area

for GIT I believe, maybe you find some inspiration here






Met vriendelijke groeten,

Best regards,

Geert Bormans



*Van: *"Abel Braaksma, (Exselt) abel@xxxxxxxxxx"


*Aan: *"xsl-list" <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

*Verzonden: *Dinsdag 28 juli 2020 23:18:00

*Onderwerp: * Source code formatting Hi list, Like many of you,

I assume, I use a version control system when working on XSLT projects. I'm working together with multiple people, and we run the code through an XML formatter before checking it in to avoid formatting differences showing up in the diffs.

The problem is that, due to attribute value normalization, carriage returns are removed from attribute nodes during XML parsing. When using long XPath expressions (and this has become very common in XSLT 3, especially with higher order functions), which are split in multiple lines, this results in huge single line outputs which are impossible to read.

It seems any sort of XML processing will irreversibly transform the whitespace, therefore I have to choose between:

- No formatting

- Formatting using non-XML tools?

- Finding a parser that bends the rules...

Have any of you experienced the same problem and did you find a solution?


Willem Van Lishout

willemvanlishout@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:willemvanlishout@xxxxxxxxx>

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