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Re: creating diglot

Subject: Re: creating diglot
From: "Eliot Kimber ekimber@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 14:33:30 -0000
Re:  creating diglot
Given the flat nature of the input I would be tempted to use
for-each-group to synthesize a more normal hierarchy for the input source
and then use that result as input to the language-to-language matching and
final output production phases.

For example,

<xsl:template match="/">
<!-- Make a hierarchical structure that will be easier to process and
     that can also be massaged or augmented as needed to make subsequent
     processing easier.
  <xsl:variable name="hierarchical" as="node()*">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="book" mode="make-hierarchical"/>
<!-- Now generate the final output: -->
  <xsl:apply-templates select="$hierarchical"/>

<xsl:template mode="make-hierarchical" match="book">
    <xsl:call-template name="setup-book-metadata"/>
    <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-starting-with="chapter">
        <xsl:when test="./self::chapter">
          <xsl:call-template select="make-chapter">
            <xsl:with-param name="input" select="current-group()"
           <xsl:sequence select="current-group"/>

The default-mode templates can then be more normal hierarchy-handling
templates, making the rendition generation task easier to manage.

The template make-chapter can then use for-each-group to further organize
the content and so on.

This approach also helps to isolate the logic of handling each level,
making the code a bit more modular and, hopefully, a little easier to
write and validate.

As part of this pre-processing you could also add IDs or other markers to
the elements you need to correlate to make the follow-on language-matching
task easier or more reliable.

For example, if the correlation is based on more complex business logic
than just position, you could implement a function that constructs a
unique ID for a given element based on whatever the business logic is,
whatever that might be.


Eliot Kimber

On 8/10/16, 6:37 PM, "jim_albright@xxxxxxxxxxxx"
<xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>saxon960HE   xslt 2.0
>I would like to produce a diglot of scripture. That means two languages
>in two columns per page.
>I have processed each text to identify the chapter and verse in
>attributes cvStart and cvEnd. I can fill in ones without attributes if
>Assuming that English is secondary
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><usx version="2.0">
>  <book code="MRK" style="id">41-MRK-web.sfm World English Bible British
>Edition (WEBBE)</book>
>  <para style="ide">UTF-8</para>
>  <para style="h">Mark</para>
>  <para style="mt1">Mark</para>
>  <chapter number="1" style="c"/>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.1" cvEnd="1.2">
>    <verse number="1" style="v"/>The beginning of the Good News of Jesus
>Christ, the Son of God. <verse number="2" style="v"/>As it is written in
>the prophets,</para>
>  <para style="q1">bBehold, I send my messenger before your face,</para>
>  <para style="q2">who will prepare your way before you: </para>
>  <para style="q1" cvStart="1.3">
>    <verse number="3" style="v"/>the voice of one crying in the
>  <para style="q2">bMake ready the way of the .Lord!</para>
>  <para style="q2">Make his paths straight!bb </para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.4" cvEnd="1.8">
>    <verse number="4" style="v"/>John came baptising in the wilderness
>and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins. <verse
>number="5" style="v"/>All the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem
>went out to him. They were baptised by him in the Jordan river,
>confessing their sins. <verse number="6" style="v"/>John was clothed with
>camelbs hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild
>honey. <verse number="7" style="v"/>He preached, saying, bAfter me comes
>he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to
>stoop down and loosen. <verse number="8" style="v"/>I baptised you in
>water, but he will baptise you in the Holy Spirit.b</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.9" cvEnd="1.11">
>    <verse number="9" style="v"/>In those days, Jesus came from Nazareth
>of Galilee, and was baptised by John in the Jordan. <verse number="10"
>style="v"/>Immediately coming up from the water, he saw the heavens
>parting, and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. <verse number="11"
>style="v"/>A voice came out of the sky, bYou are my beloved Son, in whom
>I am well pleased.b</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.12" cvEnd="1.13">
>And Tok Pisin is primary
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><usx version="2.0">
>  <book code="MRK" style="id">Tok Pisin Bible</book>
>  <para style="ide">65001 - Unicode (UTF-8)</para>
><para style="mt1">Mak i raitim</para>
>  <para style="imt1">Tok i go pas</para>
>  <para style="ip">Namba wan tok bilong buk Mak i tok olsem, bDispela em
>i gutnius bilong Jisas Krais, Pikinini Bilong God.b Na long dispela buk
>yumi lukim Jisas em i man i gat strong na namba bilong mekim olkain wok.
>Yumi lukim strong na namba bilong en long taim em i skulim ol manmeri na
>long taim em i rausim ol spirit nogut na long taim em i lusim sin bilong
>ol manmeri. Jisas i kolim em yet olsem, bPikinini Bilong Manb, na em i
>tok olsem em i kam bilong givim laip bilong em yet bilong baim bek planti
>manmeri (10.45).</para>
>  <para style="ip">Mak i stori planti long wok bilong Jisas, tasol em i
>no stori planti long ol toktok Jisas i bin mekim bilong skulim ol
>manmeri. Pastaim Mak i stori long wok bilong Jon bilong Baptais na long
>Jisas i kisim baptais na Satan i traim em. Bihain yumi lukim Jisas i
>marimari long ol man i karim ol kain kain hevi, na em i skulim ol.
>Pastaim ol disaipel i no klia tumas long as bilong ol samting Jisas i
>mekim, tasol isi isi ol i kisim save long em.</para>
>  <para style="ip">Yumi lukim tu ol man i kamap birua bilong Jisas na ol
>i givim planti hevi long em. Na long las hap bilong Gutnius em i raitim,
>Mak i stori long Jisas i dai na i kirap bek.</para>
>  <chapter number="1" style="c"/>
>  <para style="ms1">Jisas i kam bilong tokim ol manmeri long kingdom
>bilong God</para>
>  <para style="s2">(Sapta 1.1b3.6)</para>
>  <para style="s1">Jon Bilong Baptais i autim tok</para>
>  <para style="r">(Matyu 3.1-12 na Luk 3.1-9 na 3.15-17 na Jon
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.1">
>    <verse number="1" style="v"/>Dispela em i gutnius bilong Jisas Krais,
>Pikinini Bilong God.</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.2" cvEnd="1.3">
>    <verse number="2" style="v"/>Dispela gutnius em i kamap pastaim olsem
>profet Aisaia i bin raitim, bHarim. Bai mi salim wanpela man bilong autim
>tok bilong mi, na em i go paslain long yu. Na em bai i redim rot bilong
>yu. <verse number="3" style="v"/>Long ples i no gat man, maus bilong
>wanpela man i singaut olsem, bRedim rot bilong Bikpela. Stretim ol rot
>bilong en.bb</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.4" cvEnd="1.5">
>   <verse number="4" style="v"/>Jon, dispela man bilong givim baptais, em
>i kamap long ples i no gat man, na em i autim tok long ol manmeri i mas
>tanim bel na kisim baptais, na bai God i lusim sin bilong ol. <verse
>number="5" style="v"/>Na olgeta Judia na olgeta manmeri bilong Jerusalem
>ol i go long Jon. Na ol i autim sin bilong ol, na Jon i baptaisim ol long
>wara Jordan.</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.6" cvEnd="1.8">
>    <verse number="6" style="v"/>Jon hani bilong bus. <verse number="7"
>style="v"/>Em i autim tok olsem, bWanpela man i kam bihain long mi, na
>strong bilong en i winim strong bilong mi. Mi no gutpela man inap long mi
>brukim skru na lusim string i pasim su bilong em. <verse number="8"
>style="v"/>Mi  save baptaisim yupela long wara. Tasol em bai i baptaisim
>yupela long Holi Spirit.b</para>
>  <para style="s1">Jon i baptaisim Jisas</para>
>  <para style="r">(Matyu 3.13-17 na Luk 3.21-22)</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.9" cvEnd="1.11">
>    <verse number="9" style="v"/>Long dispela taim Jisas i lusim taun
>Nasaret long distrik Galili na i kam. Na Jon i baptaisim em long wara
>Jordan. <verse number="10" style="v"/>Na Jisas i lusim wara na i kam
>antap, na wantu em i lukim heven i op, na Holi Spirit i kam daun long em
>olsem wanpela bilong ol dispela pisin ol i kolim balus. <verse
>number="11" style="v"/>Na long heven wanpela maus i singaut olsem, bYu
>Pikinini bilong mi. Mi laikim yu tumas. Bel bilong mi em i amamas long
>  <para style="s1">Satan i traim Jisas</para>
>  <para style="r">(Matyu 4.1-11 na Luk 4.1-13)</para>
>  <para style="p" cvStart="1.12" cvEnd="1.13">
>    <verse number="12" style="v"/>Na long dispela taim stret Holi Spirit
>i salim Jisas i go long ples i no gat man. <verse number="13"
>style="v"/>Na  Jisas i stap long ples i no gat man inap long 40 de, na
>Satan i traim em. Em i stap wantaim ol wel abus. Na ol ensel i helpim
>Desired output (note this was done for Genesis by hand so content won't
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><book id="GEN">
>        <div class="group">
>                <div class="secondary">
>                        <id id="GEN">World English Bible (WEB) </id>
>                        <ide charset="UTF-8"/>
>                        <h>Genesis </h>
>                        <toc level="1">The First Book of Moses, Commonly
>Called Genesis </toc>
>                        <toc level="2">Genesis </toc>
>                        <toc level="3">Gen </toc>
>                        <p sfm="mt" style="Book Title" level="2">The
>First Book of Moses, </p>
>                        <p sfm="mt" style="Book Title" level="3">Commonly
>Called </p>
>                        <p sfm="mt" style="Book Title">Genesis </p>
>                </div>
>                <div class="primary">
>                        <id id="GEN">Tok Pisin Bible </id>
>                        <ide charset="65001">- Unicode (UTF-8)</ide>
>                        <p sfm="mt" style="Book Title">Stat bilong Olgeta
>Samting </p>
>                        <p sfm="mt" style="Book Title" level="2">o </p>
>                        <p sfm="mt" style="Book Title" level="2">Jenesis
>                        <p sfm="imt" style="Intro Title Main">Tok i go
>pas </p>
>                        <p sfm="ip" style="Intro Paragraph">Dispela buk i
>stori long as o stat
>                                bilong olgeta samting. Em i stori long as
>bilong skai na graun, na
>                                em i stori tu long stat bilong ol manmeri
>na long as bilong ol sin
>                                na hevi na pen i stap long dispela graun.
>Em i stori long rot God
>                                yet i makim bilong wok wantaim yumi
>manmeri bilong dispela graun. </p>
>                        <p sfm="ip" style="Intro Paragraph">Yumi inap
>brukim dispela buk long tupela
>                                bikpela hap. </p>
>                        <p sfm="ip" style="Intro Paragraph">1) Sapta
>1-11. Dispela hap i stori long
>                                God i wokim skai na graun, na em i stori
>tu long ol samting i bin
>                                kamap bipo yet, taim ol manmeri i kamap
>long graun. I gat ol stori
>                                bilong Adam tupela Iv, na bilong Kein na
>Abel. Na tu dispela hap
>                                bilong buk i stori long Noa na long
>bikpela tait i bin kamap long
>                                graun, na long taua bilong Babel. </p>
>                        <p sfm="ip" style="Intro Paragraph">2) Sapta
>12-50. Dispela ol sapta i stori
>                                long ol tumbuna bilong ol lain Israel.
>Namba wan tumbuna em Abraham.
>                                Abraham i bin aninit tru long laik bilong
>God na em i kamap olsem
>                                piksa bilong ol manmeri i bilip tru long
>God. Dispela hap i stori tu
>                                long Aisak na long pikinini bilong en
>Jekop wantaim ol 12-pela
>                                pikinini man bilong em. Dispela man Jekop
>em i kisim narapela nem
>                                Israel, na ol 12-pela pikinini man bilong
>en i bin kamapim ol
>                                12-pela lain bilong Israel. Planti sapta
>long dispela hap bilong buk
>                                i stori long Josep, em wanpela pikinini
>bilong Jekop. Ol i soim klia
>                                ol samting i bin kamap bilong mekim ol
>lain tumbuna bilong ol Israel
>                                i go i stap long kantri Isip. </p>
>                        <p sfm="ip" style="Intro Paragraph">I gat planti
>stori bilong ol manmeri i
>                                stap insait long dispela buk, tasol namba
>wan samting dispela buk i
>                                tok long en, em ol samting God yet i bin
>mekim. Pastaim God yet i
>                                bin wokim olgeta samting, na bihain, taim
>ol manmeri i stat long
>                                mekim ol pasin nogut, God i mekim save
>long ol na em i larim ol lain
>                                bilong Noa tasol i stap. Na bihain gen,
>God i makim Abraham na em i
>                                promis long mekim gut long Abraham na
>long ol lain tumbuna bilong
>                                en. Dispela buk i stori moa yet long God.
>Em i Papa tru bilong ol
>                                manmeri, na em i save skelim pasin bilong
>ol na mekim save long ol
>                                lain i save mekim rong. Na em i save
>bosim gut na lukautim ol
>                                manmeri i aninit long em. Dispela buk i
>stori long bilip bilong ol
>                                manmeri bilong bipo tru, bai ol lain i
>kamap bihain, ol tu i ken
>                                ritim na i stap strong long bilip. </p>
>                </div>
>        </div>
>        <div class="group">
>                <div class="secondary">
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="1"/>In the beginning, God <f
>caller="+">The Hebrew word
>                                        rendered bGodb is
>(Elohim).</f> created the
>                                heavens and the earth. <ve/>
>                                <v id="2"/>The earth was formless and
>empty. Darkness was on the
>                                surface of the deep and Godbs Spirit was
>hovering over the surface
>                                of the waters. <ve/></p>
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="3"/>God said, bLet there be
>light,b and there was light. <ve/>
>                                <v id="4"/>God saw the light, and saw
>that it was good. God divided
>                                the light from the darkness. <ve/>
>                                <v id="5"/>God called the light bdayb,
>and the darkness he called
>                                bnightb. There was evening and there was
>morning, the first day.
>                                <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>                <div class="primary">
>                        <c id="1"/>
>                        <p sfm="ms" style="Section Head Major">God i
>mekim kamap olgeta samting </p>
>                        <p sfm="mr" style="Section Range">(Sapta 1-2) </p>
>                        <s>Stori bilong God i mekim kamap olgeta samting
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="1"/>Bipo bipo tru God i
>                                mekim kamap skai na graun na olgeta
>samting i stap long en. <ve/>
>                                <v id="2"/>Tasol graun i no bin i stap
>                                olsem yumi save lukim nau. Nogat. Em i
>stap nating na i narakain
>                                tru. Tudak i karamapim bikpela wara na
>spirit bilong God i go i kam
>                                antap long en. <ve/>
>                                <v id="3"/>Na God i tok olsem, bLait i
>mas kamap.b
>                                Orait lait i kamap. <ve/>
>                                <v id="4"/>God i lukim lait i gutpela, na
>em i amamas. Na em i
>                                brukim tudak na tulait. <ve/>
>                                <v id="5"/>Tulait em i kolim bDe,b na
>tudak em i kolim bNait.b Nait
>                                i go pinis na moning i kamap. Em i de
>namba wan. <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>        </div>
>        <div class="group">
>                <div class="secondary">
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="6"/>God said, bLet there be an
>expanse in the middle of the
>                                waters, and let it divide the waters from
>the waters.b <ve/>
>                                <v id="7"/>God made the expanse, and
>divided the waters which were
>                                under the expanse from the waters which
>were above the expanse; and
>                                it was so. <ve/>
>                                <v id="8"/>God called the expanse bskyb.
>There was evening and there
>                                was morning, a second day. <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>                <div class="primary">
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="6-7"/>Bihain God i tok olsem,
>bWanpela banis i mas
>                                kamap bilong banisim wara, bai wara i
>stap long tupela hap.b Orait
>                                dispela banis i kamap. God i mekim
>dispela banis i kamap bilong
>                                banisim wara antap na wara daunbilo. <ve/>
>                                <v id="8"/>Na dispela banis em i kolim
>bSkai.b Nait i go pinis na
>                                moning i kamap. Em i de namba 2. <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>        </div>
>        <div class="group">
>               <div class="secondary">
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="9"/>God said, bLet the waters
>under the sky be gathered
>                                together to one place, and let the dry
>land appearb; and it was so. <ve/>
>                                <v id="10"/>God called the dry land
>bearthb, and the gathering
>                                together of the waters he called bseasb.
>God saw that it was good. <ve/>
>                                <v id="11"/>God said, bLet the earth
>yield grass, herbs yielding
>                                seeds, and fruit trees bearing fruit
>after their kind, with their
>                                seeds in it, on the earthb; and it was
>so. <ve/>
>                                <v id="12"/>The earth yielded grass,
>herbs yielding seed after their
>                                kind, and trees bearing fruit, with their
>seeds in it, after their
>                                kind; and God saw that it was good. <ve/>
>                                <v id="13"/>There was evening and there
>was morning, a third day.
>                                <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>                <div class="primary">
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="9"/>Bihain God i tok olsem, bWara
>i stap aninit long skai i
>                                mas i go bung long wanpela hap tasol, bai
>ples drai i kamap.b Orait
>                                ples drai i kamap. <ve/>
>                                <v id="10"/>Dispela ples drai God i kolim
>bGraun.b Na ol wara i bung
>                                pinis long wanpela hap em i kolim
>bSolwara.b God i lukim olgeta
>                                dispela samting i gutpela, na em i
>amamas. <ve/>
>                                <v id="11"/>Bihain God i tok olsem,
>bGraun i mas kamapim ol kain
>                                kain diwai na gras na kaikai samting.b
>Orait dispela samting i
>                                kamap. <ve/>
>                                <v id="12"/>Ol kain kain diwai na gras na
>kaikai samting i kamap
>                                long graun. God i lukim olgeta dispela
>samting i gutpela, na em i
>                                amamas. <ve/>
>                                <v id="13"/>Nait i go pinis na moning i
>kamap. Em i de namba 3.
>                                <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>        </div>
>        <div class="group">
>                <div class="secondary">
>                        <p>
>                                <v id="14"/>God said, bLet there be
>lights in the expanse of sky to
>                                divide the day from the night; and let
>them be for signs to mark
>                                seasons, days, and years; <ve/>
>                                <v id="15"/>and let them be for lights in
>the expanse of sky to give
>                                light on the earthb; and it was so. <ve/>
>                                <v id="16"/>God made the two great
>lights: the greater light to rule
>                                the day, and the lesser light to rule the
>night. He also made the
>                                stars. <ve/>
>                                <v id="17"/>God set them in the expanse
>of sky to give light to the
>                                earth, <ve/>
>                                <v id="18"/>and to rule over the day and
>over the night, and to
>                                divide the light from the darkness. God
>saw that it was good. <ve/>
>                                <v id="19"/>There was evening and there
>was morning, a fourth day.
>                                <ve/></p>
>                </div>
>Resulting pdf where primary text is outside and secondary text is inside.
> This is a proof of concept. I will add the verse numbers and better
>formatting. I just wanted to be sure I could handle the alignment at
>paragraphs correctly.
>Tok Pisin is wordier so I may adjust column sizes to help minimize page
>My problem is how do I select text from secondary document to correspond
>to the primary at paragraph level of primary document?
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
>    xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
>    exclude-result-prefixes="xs"
>    version="2.0">
><xsl:variable name="secondary"
><xsl:template match="book">
>    <xsl:element name="book">
>        <xsl:attribute name="id" select="@code"/>
>       <xsl:apply-templates select="following-sibling::para"/>
>    </xsl:element>
> <xsl:template match="para">
>    <xsl:call-template name="makeGroup">
>    <xsl:with-param  name="cvStart" select="@cvStart"/>
>    <xsl:with-param name="cvEnd" select="@cvEnd"/>
>    </xsl:call-template>
><xsl:template name="makeGroup">
>    <xsl:param name="cvStart" select="."/>
>    <xsl:param name="cvEnd" select="."/>
>   <xsl:element name="group">
>        <xsl:element name="secondary">
>            <xsl:element name="p">
>                <xsl:attribute name="class" select="@style"/>
>                      <xsl:value-of select="$secondary//para[@cvStart =
>'1.1' ]"/>
>           </xsl:element>
>            <xsl:element name="p">
>                <xsl:attribute name="class" select="@style"/>
><!--              <xsl:apply-templates />-->
>            </xsl:element>
>        </xsl:element>
>    </xsl:element>
>1.                   <xsl:value-of select="$secondary//para[10 ]"/>
>correctly selects the tenth paragraph from secondary text
>But      [@cvStart = '1.1' ] fails so does
>                       [@cvStart = $cvStart] fails also
>2. If I use <apply-templates select=b&.    I get into an endless loop.
>There must be an easy solution to stop this.
>Any help is appreciated.
>Jim Albright
>704-562-1529 unlimited cell
>Wycliffe Bible Translators
>PDF or picture available.

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