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Editing XPath expressions (Was: Replacing = with == an

Subject: Editing XPath expressions (Was: Replacing = with == and ===)
From: "Alain Couthures alain.couthures@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 07:56:50 -0000
 Editing XPath expressions (Was: Replacing = with == an
There is an XQueryX notation for each XPath expression and, because I am rewriting my own XPath 1.0 engine for XSLTForms, I have written my own XPath 2.0/3.0 parser, in Javascript, for generating XQueryX trees to be evaluated. This parser will be ported back to XSLT 1.0 as the previous one was originally directly written with it. It could also be ported to Java, C# or PHP.

This is an XML restriction to limit attribute values to be just text nodes but my product (Fleur: https://github.com/AlainCouthures/Fleur/tree/trunk) has its own XDM, which I have already extended for storing CSV or JSON objects, so it can manage sub-trees as attribute values as well. Transforming XPath expressions into subtrees sounds like compiling an XSLT stylesheet. Having this, it will then be possible to edit XPath expressions with XSLT/XPath!


Le 03/08/2014 09:12, BR Chrisman brchrisman@xxxxxxxxx a icrit :
... which brings up a point I've wondered about for quite a while.
XSLT allows me to transform XML, obviously including XSLT.
XPath is a big part of modifying/mutating XSLT because it allows me to
relatively easily address structures/constructs within my XSLT
But when it comes down to it, I'd also like an XPath-like-language
that implicitly lets me parse/address XPath within XSLT attributes
(like select=) in order to gain further insight into what a particular
template/routine/etc is doing (and whether I need to modify it via my
XSLT-transforming-XSLT program.

The immediate context here is that I wanted to respond to this poster
saying: "Just invent your own derivative of XSLT where you have your
own token preference..." and that would work except for some nastiness
which would come in when parsing the actual XPath expressions to
differentiate between something like: select="*[@foo='bar']" and:
select="'my string with equals = in it'" (or in this case, the wonky
derivative with '==' instead of '=', though I don't pretend to have a
valid case for it).

Anyways, I've had this problem before, where I wanted to modify
existing XSLT programs in a particular way, but would need to have
insight into the XPath expression that would be a whole lot of parsing
work.  Previously, I've resorted to dangerous hacks with regex or
tokenizing, but having some sort of xpathpath would be better... even
if it didn't include xpathpathpath and further recursions.

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