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Re: transform html h1 with a div

Subject: Re: transform html h1 with a div
From: Michael Kay <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 07:18:55 +0000
Re:  transform html h1 with a div
I'm not sure why you are going to such lengths to deal with missing levels. Surely the standard code that simply processes levels h1, h2, ... h6 in turn, recursively, will cope with missing levels without any special code needed?

Michael Kay

On 31/10/2012 00:24, Giuseppe Briotti wrote:
So, I try to extend this approach:


in order to work on fragment and, generally, with more "lazy" condition:

* The higher h* level can be any of h1, h2, ... h6
* Not all the intermediate levels are present

Thus, basically, a conservative approach is to consider a section
starting from a given Hx and
ending to the next Hy, where y>=x. And all the intermediate Hz (with
z<x) must be processed in same way...

I write this XSLT and it works fine. But probably this is not so efficient:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
     <xsl:output method="xhtml" indent="yes"/>

     <!--identity template -->
     <xsl:template match="@*|node()" >
             <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

     <!-- body of html document -->
     <xsl:template match="body">
             <!-- start of recursion, defining the group by condition
on starting element -->
                 or (local-name()='h2' and count(preceding-sibling::h1)=0)
                 or (local-name()='h3' and count(preceding-sibling::h1
| preceding-sibling::h2 )=0)
                 or (local-name()='h4' and count(preceding-sibling::h1
| preceding-sibling::h2  | preceding-sibling::h3 )=0)
                 or (local-name()='h5' and count(preceding-sibling::h1
| preceding-sibling::h2  | preceding-sibling::h3 |
preceding-sibling::h4 )=0)
                 or (local-name()='h6' and count(preceding-sibling::h1
| preceding-sibling::h2  | preceding-sibling::h3 |
preceding-sibling::h4 | preceding-sibling::h5 )=0)
                 <xsl:message><xsl:text>gruppo (body)=
                 <xsl:call-template name="gruppo"/>

     <!-- template with recursion -->
      <xsl:template name="gruppo">

              <!-- check if the first element og current group is h*.
In case the div is required -->
               <xsl:when test="local-name()='h1' or local-name()='h2'
or local-name()='h3' or local-name()='h4' or local-name()='h5' or
local-name()='h6'" >
                  <xsl:element name="div">

                     <!--class attirbute of div element. the header
local name is the value -->
                     <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of

                     <!-- copy of the header tag  -->
                     <xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
                         <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

                     <!-- recursion applied to the current group,
removing the first, already processed, element -->
                      <xsl:for-each-group select="current-group()
except  ." group-starting-with="*[ (local-name()='h1'
                         or (local-name()='h2' and
                         or (local-name()='h3' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2 )=0)
                         or (local-name()='h4' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2  |
preceding-sibling::h3 )=0)
                         or (local-name()='h5' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2  |
preceding-sibling::h3 | preceding-sibling::h4 )=0)
                         or (local-name()='h6' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2  |
preceding-sibling::h3 | preceding-sibling::h4 | preceding-sibling::h5
)=0) )
                  <!-- the first element is not a h*. The div element
is not required, simply copy this first element -->
                  <xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
                      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

                     <!-- recursion applied to the current group,
removing the first, already processed, element -->
                  <xsl:for-each-group select="current-group() except
." group-starting-with="*[ (local-name()='h1'
                      or (local-name()='h2' and count(preceding-sibling::h1)=0)
                      or (local-name()='h3' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2 )=0)
                      or (local-name()='h4' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2  |
preceding-sibling::h3 )=0)
                      or (local-name()='h5' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2  |
preceding-sibling::h3 | preceding-sibling::h4 )=0)
                      or (local-name()='h6' and
count(preceding-sibling::h1 | preceding-sibling::h2  |
preceding-sibling::h3 | preceding-sibling::h4 | preceding-sibling::h5
)=0) )
                      <xsl:call-template name="gruppo"/>

     <!-- create some style for html header, to visual evaluate the
nested divs  -->
     <xsl:template match="head">
         <style type="text/css">
             div.h1 {border-width: 1; border: solid; background-color:
#FFFF33; width:95%;}
             div.h2 {border-width: 1; border: solid; background-color:
#FF9933; width:95%;}
             div.h3 {border-width: 1; border: solid; background-color:
#FF0033; width:95%;}
             div.h4 {border-width: 1; border: solid; background-color:
#99FFFF; width:95%;}
             div.h5 {border-width: 1; border: solid; background-color:
#9999FF; width:95%;}
             div.h6 {border-width: 1; border: solid; background-color:
#9933FF; width:95%;}


This work as expected on xml file with lazy condition like this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <p>prima riga di testo prima del primo titolo</p>
         <p>seconda riga di testo prima del primo titolo</p>
         <h3>titolo h3</h3>
         <p>testo dopo il titolo h3</p>
         <h4>titolo h4</h4>

         <h6>titolo h6</h6>
         <p>questo h il testo dopo il titolo h6</p>

         <h2>titolo h2</h2>
         <p>questo h il testo dopo il primo titolo h2</p>
         <h2>titolo h2</h2>
         <p>questo h il testo dopo il secondo titolo h2</p>
         <h4>titolo h4</h4>
         <p>questo h il testo dopo il titolo h4</p>

         <h1>titolo 1B</h1>
         <p>questo h il 10 testo dopo il <i>titolo 1B</i></p>
         <p>questo h il 20 testo dopo il <i>titolo 1B</i></p>
         <p>questo h il 30 testo dopo il <i>titolo 1B</i></p>

But I think that the xslt is not well written... for instance, I think
it can be improved by simply copy the <p> elements that appears in the
current-group before the first h* element.

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance...

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