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Creating a html <select> dropdown menu in XSL, where t

Subject: Creating a html <select> dropdown menu in XSL, where the attribute of an XML element is the selected value when page loads
From: Martin Jackson <martsonjackin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 17:59:23 +0100
 Creating a html <select> dropdown menu in XSL
Hi all,

I'm trying to make a page where I can edit the data (like name and
date of birth) of a person in a data base.

I have a php page which gets the data for the person you have chosen
to edit from the data base and generates an XML element that looks
like this:

<PERSON ID='$id' FIRSTNAME='$firstname' LASTNAME='$lastname'
DAY='$day' MONTH='$month' YEAR='year'></PERSON>

I want to use XSL to generate a html page, that have three dropdown
menus for Day, Month and Year. I want them to display the correct data
from the data base when the page loads.

For example, if someone is born on the 3rd, I want the Day dropdown
menu, which consists of numbers 1-31 to display "3"

In html this is done by giving one of the <option> elements in the
<select> menu the attribute "SELECTED", like this:

  <option value="1">1</option>
  <option value="2">2</option>
  <option value="3" SELECTED>3</option>
  <option value="4">4</option>



Earlier, I didn't use XSL and instead just generatead html directly in
my php document. Then the code below did the trick. What would the xsl
equivalent look like?

for($current_day=1; $current_day <= 31; $current_day++)
echo "<option value='$current_day'";
echo " SELECTED";
echo ">$current_day</option>";

How can this be done in XSL? As far as I understand, the existing loop
functions in XSL, like <xsl:for-each> are used to loop over a number
of elements? I , on the other hand, want to output a number of html
<option> elements, where the value increments for each iteration, and
compare them all to the same attribute of a certain XML <person>
element, and (when I get a match) output the html <option> element
with "SELECTED" added.

Martin Jackson

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