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Re: Opera's JavaScript API for XSLT?

Subject: Re: Opera's JavaScript API for XSLT?
From: "M. David Peterson" <xmlhacker@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 22:00:52 -0600
xslt processing failed
One quick point in favor of the <h1>XSLT Processing Failed!</h1> usage.

The reason that, in my own opinion, whomever chose to implement this
in just such a manner should be given a webdev medal of honor has to
do with one very important factor...

** During the testing phase, no blank white screens that for all
intents and purposes tell you "hmmm... I'm not sure what the problem
could be.  Maybe you're computers unplugged?" **

While one might suggest it broadcasts the fact theres a problem with
Opera's XSLT implementation, the reality, again, in my own opinion, is
that if anybody puts into production** something that screams <h1>XSLT
Processing Failed!</h1> each time someone visits their site via Opera,
that doesn't look bad on Opera, and instead bad on the genius who put
that into production in the first place.

+1 for Opera for giving the XML webdev at least half a clue that
something other than "the unknown" is causing the problem.

+1, again for Opera, for taking it 10 steps further by providing such
a kick butt error console as well.  Yet one more reason why Opera
ROCKS!!! ;)

I'm looking forward to what your presence will bring to us XML/XSLT
developers Mike, even if it ends up being nothing more than somebody
who truly understands why this is such an important feature fighting
to help make each of development lives that much better.

If I can be of any help, please let me know :)

** http://browserbasedxml.com doesn't count in this case, though that
was nothing more than a test page, turned demo, turned weekly Opera
XSLT Acid Test -- at some point that will change to something a bit
more meaningful/less stupid. ;)

w3m seems to be correctly ignoring the xml-stylesheet PI. So I guess that's a pass? ;)

Well, it does what its supposed to, as opposed to,

"XSLT processing failed!"

which is the <h1/> message that has been broadcasting itself after
each weekly release induced a weekly "Hmmm... I wonder if...

"XSLT processing failed!"

"hmmm... guess not. Well, theres always next week!" ;)

"XSLT processing failed!"

Then again... ;)

(Glad to see your on the task, Mike!  Regardless of my own feelings, I
was really starting to worry about Glenn (
;) :D

-- /M:D

M. David Peterson
http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354

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