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RE: Conditional extraction of data

Subject: RE: Conditional extraction of data
From: "Bradley, Peter" <PBradley@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:38:27 -0000
nike horseshoes
Actually, just for info and in case any of you like to do this sort of thing
for fun, here are the exercises for this week.

Please do not post any answers (at least for a couple of weeks until we've all
handed our assignments in, but preferably not at all).  I don't want to be
failed for plagiarism and unfair collusion!  That's why I'll put the group in
as a reference.

The module is an 8 week web applications module as part of an MSc studied via
distance learning.  We first met XSLT last Tuesday afternoon (2nd November,
2004).  The answers to the questions below (under my signoff) are to be in by
midnight on Wednesday 10th Nov, 2004.



Exercises for Seminar 4

The answers and/or discussion from the following exercises are to be submitted
to the assignments folder by the end of day 7 of the seminar week.

Exercise 1

In the seminar, Listing 5 showed an improve JavaScript function for
printElement() to traverse and list on the screen all elements of the DOM of
the XML document in Listing 1.  Improve this JavaScript function by adding the
functionality to also list on the screen the attributes and their values for
each element.  Submit the entire XHTML document containing the complete
JavaScript code to process the file orders.xml   (make sure you test it
against the orders.xml file in the examples.zip file).

Exercise 2 (Difficult)

Create an XHTML document with the JavaScript code to open and build the DOM
tree for orders.xml as in the seminar, but them also loads in and builds
another DOM tree for another file... say orders2.xml as shown below

~ <customerid limit="1500">65743</customerid>
~ <status>pending</status>
  <item instock="Y" itemid="HS05">
~ <name>Nike Horse Shoes</name>
~ <price>120</price>
~ <qty>4</qty>
~ </item>
~ </order>
~ </orders>

Then build in the functionality to modify the DOM tree for the orders.xml by
adding the order for customer ID 65734 from the above listing to the
orders.xml DOM.  Then list the contents of the orders.xml DOM to the screen to
verify this.  Please submit the XHTML file containing all the above JavaScript

  (HINT ... use the cloneNode() and appendChild() functions from the Node
Functions table in the Seminar)

Exercise 3

The following are a series of exercises/ tasks which are all based on the
data-file data.xml.  This file can be downloaded from
http://student.kitcampus.com/projects/teacher2/wa/sem4/data.xml , and
describes gravestones in a cemetery, the people commemorated on them, and the
inscriptions. The root element is <cemetery> and under that are a series of 23
<stone> elements. Within <stone> you find one or more <person> elements, some
<inscrip> elements, and then probably <desc>, <photo> and <icon> elements.  A
lot of the markup will be ignored for the purposes of these exercises.

Your set of tasks below involve writing XSL files to be used by the data.xml
file to output XHTML script, and are as follows:

1.	Produce a valid HTML document with a title, simply passing through all the
text  The sample output for this task can be viewed at
2.	For each stone, make a new <h2> division titled `Stone ' plus the value of
the `number' attribute
3.	Print the peoples' names in bold
4.	Put spaces between surname and forename
5.	Put each inscription in a block quote, and put a break at the end of every
line; make the <i> produce italics
6.	Omit everything from the <person> except the contents of the <name>, and
put each person in a separate paragraph
7.	Omit the <deco> and <photo> elements, and format the <died> element nicely
after each person's name, with / between day and month, and month and year
8.	Improve the formatting or information display in whatever way interests
you; can you, for instance, center the lines which have a with a `p' attribute
with a value of `c'?
9.	Produce a table of contents for the catalogue as we left it in the final
exercise of part 1; give each heading an identifier (the stone number will do,
prefixed by "S"), and produce a list of numbers at the start, linked to the
right stone.  The sample output for this task can be viewed at

Submit all 9 XSL scripts as answers to each of the above 9 tasks.

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