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RE: Need 3 good reasons why XSLT is better than JSP+Ve

Subject: RE: Need 3 good reasons why XSLT is better than JSP+Velocity
From: "Joshua Allen" <joshuaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:26:09 -0800
RE:  Need 3 good reasons why XSLT is better than JSP+Ve
I don't think XSLT is "better" than JSP for creating web pages, just
different.  Here are some scenarios where XSLT makes sense:
1. The data is being transformed directly to presentation content, and
input complexity (form submissions, processing of submit results, etc.)
is minimal.
2. The site is content-oriented
3. The devs have some good tools (excelon, xml spy, etc.) for designing

Here are some reasons to stick with JSPs:
1. The data needs to have "business logic" processing done as it's used
to generate a web page -- things like calling Java classes (or COM
components, etc.)
2. The developers need significant control over how data gets cached
in-RAM on the web servers (currently, no XSLT-serving frameworks that I
know of make it easy to say which stuff should get cached and which not)

In any case, the learning curve argument is a legitimate one.  Some of
the tools available now make that less relevant, but the difference
between ASP/JSP and XSLT in many situations might not be worth forcing
devs to switch from one to the other.  After all, ASP/JSP are
template-oriented web page creation languages as well..

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wes Lagrone [mailto:WLagrone@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:21 AM
> To: XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:  Need 3 good reasons why XSLT is better than
> Wondering if anyone could shed light on a debate I've been having with
> web developers.
> If the source content for my web site is a stack of XML files, XSLT
> seems like the obvious choice to assemble, format and generate the
> output XHTML pages.
> But many web developers tell me that they'd rather use Velocity
> templates in conjunction with JSP to accomplish the same thing,
> the source content comes from flat XML files, an XML repository, or an
> Oracle database.  They know Java, they argue, so why bother with XSLT?
> So I'm looking for three good reasons why they're wrong.
> Thanks,
> Wes
>  XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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