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Re: NEW2!!!showing HTML data in XML files using XSL!!!

Subject: Re: NEW2!!!showing HTML data in XML files using XSL!!!
From: Jeni Tennison <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 09:12:56 +0100
escaping xml using xsl
Hi Rosa,

> what if the HTML text is between <![CDATA[text is <I>here</I>]]> in
> the XML file? how can I copy that section and display as HTML
> normally. Cos at the moment, I get something like this: text is
> <I>here</I> on the browser, the XSL seem to have changed the '<' and
> '>' into &lt; and &gt;

The text:

  <![CDATA[text is <I>here</I>]]>

is *exactly* the same as:

  text is &lt;I>here&lt;/I>

and as:

  text is &lt;I&gt;here&lt;/I&gt;

and as:


and so on.  CDATA sections are ways of storing text information
without having to bother with escaping less-than signs and ampersands.
To an XSLT processor, anything within them is just text - it doesn't
recognise any XML syntax within it.

So it's not the XSLT processor changing the '<' into &lt; - you gave
it a less-than character in the first place, with <![CDATA[<]]> or
with &lt;.

The best thing to do is to change the source so that rather than
giving a text string, you give it the mixed content (text and
elements) that you want it to have.  So use:

  text is <I>here</I>

No CDATA section, no escaping of less-than signs - here a '<' means
the start of a tag, not the character '<'.  So the above is a text
node, followed by an I element.  If you copy that, then you will get
the text node and the I element in your result, as you want:

  <xsl:copy-of select="root/text/node()" />

If you absolutely *cannot* change the XML source, then you are stuck
with disable-output-escaping.  In those processors that support it,
you can use disable-output-escaping to copy a text string into the
output, without having the processor check the text string at all to
replace those characters that need escaping.  So you could use:

  <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes"
                select="root/text" />

But I wouldn't recommend it because it bypasses all the work that
the XSLT processor does for you in making sure that the output is

I hope that helps,


Jeni Tennison

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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