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RE: microsoft latest, bug with extension elements?

Subject: RE: microsoft latest, bug with extension elements?
From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 20:24:31 +0100 (BST)
latest bug
Andrew Kimball writes:
 > Sebastian,
 > 1. Your first example is a bug that we should have caught (it basically
 > makes extension elements useless, since no attributes can be used on them).

ok, understood. go on, go wild, and release an August version! 
since it breaks most of my existing stylesheets....

its a pity we don't have a mechanism in XSL for
 if $processor = Microsoft
    import this .xsl file
    import that .xsl file

 > 2. Your second example is actually by design.  When we parse an XML
 > document, we strip all non-significant (no xml:space in scope) space by
 > default and replace it with bit flags that mark where space existed at one
 > time (this cuts down the memory footprint significantly)

understood. I can live with that, though others will probably argue
the legality.

many thanks for the swift response


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