[XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: asp assistance please (Can we get some POSITIVE suggesti
Marcus Carr wrote: > > Mike Brown wrote: > > > Your comments imply that you have evaluated Saxon and XT to some degree, > > yet no effort is made to make the average MSXML user aware that these > > other tools exist, how MSXML compares, what features can only be found in > > MSXML, and that XSLT is as widely implemented and utilized as it is. > > Come on - that's a bit rough, don't you think? Ditto. Please tone it down - I have found that the XML division of MS is genuinely well-intentioned, and have done a damn fine job until now of keeping up AND deploying a product which many folk are actually finding useful in day-to-day practice. Whatever you prejudices you may choose to hold, MS is NOT a monolith of drones, there are more than a few individuals in there trying to do the right thing, and there's more than the usual proportion in the XML division this year :-) It was ALWAYS understood - by anyone who actually bothered to read up - that last years MSXML implimentation was only partial - as were most equivalent products at the time IE4 was released! The spec didn't even exist then, remember? The terms "pre-release", "beta" and "web release" do actually imply "caveat emptor" (although I too am unsure just what "Web Release" actually means!) Don't blame the manufacturer for only documenting what they wanted you to know - blame the dolts who have NEVER visited XML.com or W3C, read any industry mags or checked out any of the newsgroups or discussion lists. Complaining you are misinformed is just a case of _willful_ ignorance, so drop it. It doesn't take five minutes of websearching to get aware that there are compatibility issues between different products. C, HTML, Java - some of the most widly deployed 'language standards' have all and always had platform issues, quirks and work-arounds. Yes they should be ironed out, but give up knocking the pre-releases. If anyone ever claims a 100% bug-free money-back guaranteed fully-compliant parser - sue them. Until then keep the money you paid out for MSXML (how much was it?) in your pocket. ... sorry. I'm just getting fed up with this dead horse being pushed around the group AGAIN this week. .dan. :=====================:====================: : Dan Morrison : The Web Limited : : http://here.is/dan : http://web.co.nz : : dman@xxxxxxxx : danm@xxxxxxxxx : : 04 384 1472 : 04 495 8250 : : 025 207 1140 : : :.....................:....................: : If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy? :.........................................: XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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