[XSL-LIST Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Scanning the directory. Re: Cross-references
> I want the stylesheer to "scan" a directory for chapters. > > Any suggestions? No way with standard XSLT. Way 1. Simple perl script which generates master.xml scanning the directory. Then stylesheet is invoked, accessing the generated document with document() Variant - write a CGI which will generate the desired xml and access it with document("http://localhost/cgi-bin/scan.cgi") ( I assume that this 'mainstream' XSLT way is to assume that today everybody has http server installed ). Way 2. Write XSLT-processor specific extension function in Java ( the function will scan directory and return XSLT-processor specific node-set ). You may hack ls.java from Ux distribution at http://www.pault.com/Ux/ Way 3. Download Ux, understand it and invoke your stylesheet( say, my.xsl ) in Ux command-line mode, like: ux "ls.class /dir/to/scan | my.xsl" Or use Ux hack: document("/! ls /dir/to/scan/" ) inside my.xsl and invoke ux "my.xsl" Rgds.Paul. XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
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