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Re: Using Style sheets

Subject: Re: Using Style sheets
From: Mike Brown <mike@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 09:02:14 -0700 (PDT)
Re: Using Style sheets
T S, Sivakumar wrote:
> This is a question again from a novice.  I am successful in downloading
> meaningful info from an ERP system to a XML doc which i am able to view it
> on the browser.  Now to enhance the look and feel of the doc and to add more
> functionalities to the same, i would like to use a style sheet.  will the
> purpose be solved.  i am attaching my doc and can somebody suggest me how it
> can be incorporated.
> For ex.
> < ?xmlversion="1.0" ?>

Be careful with that whitespace. Some of it *is* significant.
The first 5 characters must be "<?xml" and there must be whitespace
characters between "xml" and "version": <?xml version="1.0"?>

First, since you are probably using IE5 to view the XML document in the
browser, go to http://www.netcrucible.com/xslt/msxml-faq.htm and learn
about the upgrade you will need to do in order to use XSLT 1.0.

Instead of using IE5 you may want to consider doing server-side
transformations with Instant Saxon or something similar, producing HTML files
that your browser can then view.

If someone just shows you a stylesheet that does something with your data,
you're going to wind up missing some important concepts about what XSLT does
and the XPath data model it utilizes. You should read a tutorial on XSLT. Go
to http://www.dpawson.freeserve.co.uk/xsl/xslfaq.html and click on "Where to
Start" and then look at "Books" and "Starting Out"


 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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