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parsing to HTML

Subject: parsing to HTML
From: "Ben C." <tatsu2000@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 15:37:50 GMT
html parsing in c
I have an extremly large XML document that I am attempting to put parts of on a web page. The main problem that I am running into is this some instances where I don't know how do get at the data. Currently I am working off of no documentation so I am pretty hack and slash so forgive me if my question is painstakingly obvious.

I have some code like this:

<property name="Add Parts" type="control">NODATAFOUND</property>
<property name="Assigned To" type="char">Joe Schmoe</property>
<property name="Bill To Account #" type="char">555</property>
<property name="Bill To Name" type="char">Joey Schmoey</property>

and I want to display only the data in the property element with the names "Assigned To" and "Bill To Name".

How can I code that in XSL to show only specific ones?
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