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Problem resolving base URI in document fuction

Subject: Problem resolving base URI in document fuction
From: "Edwards, Jayme" <JCEdwards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 13:41:12 -0400
problem resolving
>>NOTE: I posted this previously to the respective Apache lists, trying here to see if anyone has expertise with this section of the specification or has run into a similar problem.<<


I'm using Cocoon 1.7.4, Tomcat 3.2 beta, Xerces 1.0.3, 
and Xalan 1.1. I have a project that uses XML documents 
of a specific grammar to pass filenames to a stylesheet 
which then loads them with the "document()" function 
relative to the source document. I'm having a problem 
where Xalan's implementation of document() either isn't 
working properly, or I'm not understanding the XSLT 
specification fully.

For example lets say I have a file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="view/mydoc.xsl"?>
<mydoc filename="mydoc"/>

and it is located in /mydoc.xml (path on tomcat context) 
for which the REAL directory is:


and I have a file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <myresource id="test">Testing, 1, 2, 3</myresource>

and it is located in /resources/mydoc_en.xml (path on 
tomcat context) for which the REAL directory is:


and I have a stylesheet:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
  <xsl:variable name="myotherdoc" select="document(concat('resources/', /mydoc/@filename, '_en.xml'), /mydoc)/myresources"/>

and it is located in /view/mydoc.xsl (path on tomcat context) for which the REAL directory is:


As per the XSL specification, the document() function can 
take one, or two parameters. If it only takes one this can 
be an existing nodeset to be treated as a document with its 
own root or a string that specifies a filename of an XML 
document to load. The spec also says if the second parameter 
is ommitted the base URI that will be used to resolve the 
filename (if relative) is determined from the document that 
contains the call to the document() function. This is not 
the case, in that I want to load the "resource" file for 
a document in a directory relative to my original mydoc.xml 
file. Luckily, the spec also states that if you pass a nodeset 
as the second parameter to document(), the document from 
which this nodeset was retrieved (the first node in document 
order) will be used to resolve the base URI. If you look at 
the xsl:stylesheet, I do this by passing a second parameter 
to document with nodes from the original source document 
being transformed. The problem is, I can tell it DOES use 
the second parameter to form the base URI, but the base URI 
comes out relative to the web URI and not the URI on the 
filesystem. In the example above, Xalan tries to load the 
following document:


Which of course doesn't exist. It looks as though the 
base URI was determined as being different, but went 
up too many levels. 

Any help with this problem would be great. Its pretty 
critical to provide fully extensibly data-to-style based 
web solutions with XSL.


 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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