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RE: Xalan performance

Subject: RE: Xalan performance
From: Stephen Kirkham <skirkham@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 12:23:02 -0700
xalan performance
I have to agree my orginal post was a little vague. Again I am looking
for some peformance do's and don'ts. 

We are using Xalan for Java, a single xsl script is merging 2 documents. 
We take a marked up document, maybe 4 pages of text, then parse the document
replacing certain elements with data from a second document, e.g. in the
orginal document we have

Dear <REP elem="customer/name" />

The xsl script then goes looking for an element in the second document with
a path of 'customer/name', the first document could be several hundred
elements that are replaced.

hope that helps

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul_Dick@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Paul_Dick@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 7:18 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Xalan performance


That's a very broad question.  First off what flavor of Xalan are you using
C++ or Java?

How big and complex are the documents?

And lastly what type of traffic will you be expecting?

There are many variables that effect the performance of Xalan, pinning down
your environment
will help us more accurately answer your question.


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