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Re: Combining XML data

Subject: Re: Combining XML data
From: T_MULLEN 58211 6th Singer St <Tom.Mullen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 08:08:38 +0000 (GMT)
batch combine xml

Many thanks, this is just what I was looking for.

>Without some kind of extension element/function, XSLT can't be used
>to query the hard drive to find out what's actually there.

Just for the record I'm applying an XSLT doc to the main XML doc to create
a batch file that will extract the file info and put it into an XML doc (of
a similar structure to the main XML doc).  The batch file is run when the
extraction/release is performed and the resultant XML doc merged into the
main XML doc.  The same batch file can then be run at any time and the
resultant XML doc compared with the recorded values in the main XML doc to
verify that all is as it should be.

You'll no doubt be aware that your method will deal with this.

Many thanks again for your help.


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