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RE: javascript in xsl

Subject: RE: javascript in xsl
From: Mary Cha <MCha@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 09:19:08 -0400
mary cha
Wrap it in CDATA tags to keep the XSL parser from processing it. For

<SCRIPT language="javascript">

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean de Lavarene
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 7/19/00 8:15 AM
Subject: javascript in xsl

Hello evrybody,

I want to add some javascript (the regular one, executed on the browser
:)) in my
XSL file. Do I have to change the '<' character to &lt; and '&' to &amp;
all the time?

I thought there xas a kind of escape tag which would allow me to insert
regalar javascript
in the xsl but I can't find it...

Thanks for your help,


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