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[ANN][FO] DTD for the last XSL FO Draft

Subject: [ANN][FO] DTD for the last XSL FO Draft
From: "Nikolai Grigoriev" <grig@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 12:34:42 +0400
last xsl
Dear all,

We at RenderX have prepared a temptative version of a DTD for the recent draft
of XSL FO. You can get it from www.renderx.com/Tests/validator/fo2000.dtd
(plain text) or www.renderx.com/Tests/validator/fo2000.dtd.html. (HTML

Some notes:

1) The current draft is particularly hard to be validated by a DTD:

     - all properties are made inheritable - either by default, or by
       an explicit 'inherit' value; this precludes proper control of attribute

     - fo:wrapper and other "neutral containers" inhibit the possibility to
       distinguish between inline and block context.

Therefore, this DTD is inevitably weaker then that of the previous draft.

2) The goal of the DTD is practical - to ensure that forthcoming test files have
a correct structure. In some places, we have made it more restrictive than the
draft; this is described in the comments in the body of the DTD.

Please note that the DTD is alpha - we haven't enough XSL FO tests to debug it
properly. Any comments will be greatly appreciated.


Nikolai Grigoriev

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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