Subject: doc-available not working as expected Author: Ethan Stein Date: 14 Dec 2011 11:41 AM
I have the following xquery that uses doc-available to determine if a file exists and use it if it does, or overwrite it if it does not. For some reason, doc-available is always returning false. Anyone understand why?
declare option ddtek:xml-streaming 'yes';
declare option ddtek:serialize "indent=yes, omit-xml-declaration=no";
(: external reference to XML document :)
declare variable $xPRSXMLInput as document-node() external;
declare variable $logURL := "log.xml";
declare function local:addNode($error as element()) as empty-sequence()
let $errLog := if(fn:doc-available($logURL)) then
else ()
let $newLog :=
return (ddtek:serialize-to-url($newLog, $logURL,"")
(: Retrieves the size of a white space or red/gold space from a secondary file and inserts it into the node :)
declare function local:replaceElms($n as element(), $acctRecNum as xs:string) as element()*
let $whitespacemsg := local:addNode(
concat("The white space size (for VISA region 01B) for "",
".xml" could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.")
return <A_DIFFERENT_MESSAGE>This is a white space message{$whitespacemsg}</A_DIFFERENT_MESSAGE>
(: Retrieves the size of the message from a secondary file and inserts it into the message node :)
declare function local:processMessageNode($n as element(), $acctRecNum as xs:string) as element()*
let $msgErroNode := local:addNode(
concat("The message size (for VISA region 01A) for "",
$acctRecNum, "_",
".xml" could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.")
return <SOME_OTHER_MESSAGE>this is another message{$msgErroNode}</SOME_OTHER_MESSAGE>
(: Calls subfunctions to add specific nodes or data values :)
declare function local:updateNodes($n as element(), $recNumber as xs:string) as element()*
if ((local-name($n) eq 'WHITE_SPACE_SIZE') or (local-name($n) eq 'RED_GOLD_SIZE')) then
local:replaceElms($n, $recNumber)
else if (local-name($n) eq 'MESSAGE') then
local:processMessageNode($n, $recNumber)
element { name($n) }
for $child in $n/*
return local:updateNodes($child, $recNumber)
let $acctRecNumber := $acctRec/ACCOUNT_RECORD_KEY_PK/text()
return local:updateNodes($acctRec, $acctRecNumber)
XML input:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Resulting log file that shows doc-available is false regardless of whether log exists or not:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Errors xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ErrorNodes.xsd">
<MESSAGE_MESSAGE>The message size (for VISA region 01A) for "43_0318.xml" could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.</MESSAGE_MESSAGE>
Subject: doc-available not working as expected Author: Ethan Stein Date: 14 Dec 2011 01:35 PM
Nope, setting it to "file:///c:/log.xml" didn't allow me to update it and it still indicates it is false. I'm using Stylus Studio 2010.
declare option ddtek:xml-streaming 'yes';
declare option ddtek:serialize "indent=yes, omit-xml-declaration=no";
(: external reference to XML document :)
declare variable $xPRSXMLInput as document-node() external;
declare variable $logURL := "file:///c:/log.xml";
declare function local:addNode($error as element()) as empty-sequence()
let $errLog := if(fn:doc-available($logURL)) then
else ()
let $newLog :=
return (ddtek:serialize-to-url($newLog, $logURL,""))
(: Retrieves the size of a white space or red/gold space from a secondary file and inserts it into the node :)
declare function local:replaceElms($n as element(), $acctRecNum as xs:string) as element()*
let $whitespacemsg := local:addNode(
concat("The white space size (for VISA region 01B) for "",
".xml" could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.")
return <A_DIFFERENT_MESSAGE>This is a white space message{$whitespacemsg}</A_DIFFERENT_MESSAGE>
(: Retrieves the size of the message from a secondary file and inserts it into the message node :)
declare function local:processMessageNode($n as element(), $acctRecNum as xs:string) as element()*
let $msgErroNode := local:addNode(
concat("The message size (for VISA region 01A) for "",
$acctRecNum, "_",
".xml" could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.")
return <SOME_OTHER_MESSAGE>this is another message{$msgErroNode}</SOME_OTHER_MESSAGE>
(: Calls subfunctions to add specific nodes or data values :)
declare function local:updateNodes($n as element(), $recNumber as xs:string) as element()*
if ((local-name($n) eq 'WHITE_SPACE_SIZE') or (local-name($n) eq 'RED_GOLD_SIZE')) then
local:replaceElms($n, $recNumber)
else if (local-name($n) eq 'MESSAGE') then
local:processMessageNode($n, $recNumber)
element { name($n) }
for $child in $n/*
return local:updateNodes($child, $recNumber)
let $acctRecNumber := $acctRec/ACCOUNT_RECORD_KEY_PK/text()
return local:updateNodes($acctRec, $acctRecNumber)
Log XML result:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Errors xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ErrorNodes.xsd">
<MESSAGE_MESSAGE>The message size (for VISA region 01A) for "43_0318.xml" could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.</MESSAGE_MESSAGE>