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Mohammad HusseinSubject: br element
Author: Mohammad Hussein
Date: 09 Apr 2009 08:18 AM
In the following part of HTML codes:

<span class="article_body">

The balcony or the "head office" <url>vgb</url> as its known is not...<br clear="none"/>
<br clear="none"/>
Sometimes I suspect we are rivalled in our boisterous just like Spud's family, we all love one <xsl>file</xsl> another dearly...<br clear="none"/>
<br clear="none"/>
With the election drawing ever nearer, talk at Sunday lunch is dominated by politics. The split in the ANC has drawn firm and unwavering battle lines in my family. The differences in political allegiance cut across spousal and filial lines. Siblings are practically at one another's throats.<br clear="none"/>
<br clear="none"/>
Although our debates have always been rigorous and lively, they now border on screaming matches. We've now resorted to having a time keeper at the table who gives each speaker two minutes to make his or her point, to avoid turning the discussion into a downright farce.<br clear="none"/>
<br clear="none"/>
Thankfully, once the restive subject of ANC vs Cope is dropped, we happily move on to far less personal and rancorous yet just as fascinating topics such as: "Is Rihanna really getting back together with Chris Brown?&#226;&#8364;&#166;" <br clear="none"/>
<br clear="none"/>
It seems as if in my family though, we have so far remained relatively unscathed by the political fracas in the country compared with what is happening in certain other quarters.<br clear="none"/>
<br clear="none"/>


I want to separate the first data before the first br element to be
in description element like this:
<description>The balcony or the "head office" <url>vgb</url> as its known is not...</description>

and the same one in paragraph element:
<paragraph>The balcony or the "head office" <url>vgb</url> as its known is not...<paragraph>
and each data between br and br in paragraph element like this:

<paragraph>Sometimes I suspect we are rivalled in our boisterous just like Spud's family, we all love one <xsl>file</xsl> another dearly...<paragraph>
and so on.

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