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Matthias BrownSubject: Output document cannot be parser (Stylus Studio Build1893g on Citrix)
Author: Matthias Brown
Date: 03 Feb 2022 08:18 AM

we are currently facing an issue where Stylus Studio does not produce an output on our Citrix Server.
When using a local version of Stylus Studio (same version and parser as on Citrix) the same XSL file does produce an output. Both Stylus Studios got a valid license.

Does anybody have a clue why the Stylus Studio on a Citrix Server does not produce an output?


Ivan PedruzziSubject: Output document cannot be parser (Stylus Studio Build1893g on Citrix)
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 03 Feb 2022 06:36 PM
Hello Matthias,

Could you provide more details?

Which version of Stylus Studio are you running?

Are you running an XSLT transformation from inside the Stylus Studio IDE?

Do you see any error?

Did you set the output URL in the scenario dialog?

Are you sure that input document is the same when running on Citrix?

If you like we can setup conference call, email us at stylussupport@ivitechnologies.com with your availability

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Matthias BrownSubject: Output document cannot be parser (Stylus Studio Build1893g on Citrix)
Author: Matthias Brown
Date: 04 Feb 2022 07:31 AM

Which version of Stylus Studio are you running?

we are using Stylus Studio Version X14 Release 2.

Are you running an XSLT transformation from inside the Stylus Studio IDE?


Do you see any error?

No, also xsl:message is printing something to the console so it seems it is processing the mapping.

Did you set the output URL in the scenario dialog?

I tried with both putting an output file path and also without (because the output should also show up inside Stylus Studio).

Are you sure that input document is the same when running on Citrix?

Yes. The Mapping is on a network share where both my local Stylus Studio and the Citrix Stylus Studio have access.


Ivan PedruzziSubject: Output document cannot be parser (Stylus Studio Build1893g on Citrix)
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Feb 2022 01:59 PM

>>Yes. The Mapping is on a network share where both my local Stylus Studio and the Citrix Stylus Studio have access.

I was referring to the input document, the XML document that you feed into the XSLT.
Are you processing the same input from both machine?

>>also xsl:message is printing something to the console so it seems it is processing the mapping.

By console do you mean the Stylus Studio "Output" docking window?

If the XSLT is running but is not producing output it could be that you are processing a different input that does not match your template rules

May be the xml namespace is different.

We need to see your screen, let us know we can organize a Zoom call.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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